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In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content.

List of Top 19 Crowdfunding Websites in USA

List of Top 19 Crowdfunding Websites in USA

Crowd Funding, as the name clearly suggests, is something where typically a crowd comes together, and funds a specific cause or a project, for various reasons, mainly via social media platforms or websites. It is currently busy changing the outlook of how project financing is generally perceived globally, by growing at exponential rates.

Top 5 Online Christmas Charity Organizations You Can Donate To

Top 5 Online Christmas Charity Organizations You Can Donate to

Online Charity organizations are changing lives through their crowdfunding method. They are raising funds from donors online and helping to save millions of lives every day. These funds are gathered and spent for numerous causes: to provide a safe shelter to the homeless people, to provide free diagnosis, treatment, medicines and surgeries for poor patients, to rescue and protect animals from all kinds of abuse and tortures and what not.

online Donation websites where you can pay surgical treatment bills

Online Donation Websites Where You Can Pay Surgical Treatment Bills

The Internet is a wonderful place. Besides, making our lives convenient than ever, it has become our knight in the shining armor. The internet is now saving lives. The Crowdfunding method on the internet is raising capitals for business or personal purposes like paying for medical bills, funeral costs, transport fares etc through the collective effort of friends, family, investors, and the local community. People are also turning to Crowdfund sites to raise funds for their personal expenditures like rents, mortgages, utilities, and often to assist with family travel.

Online Donation Website Lists Where You Can Apply for Medical Bills

Online Donation Website Lists Where You Can Apply for Medical Bills

Crowdfunding is one of the most powerful and useful inventions of the internet. Social giving through the online donation websites is helping people to deal with their toughest time in life. Healthcare expenditures are too pricey at present day which is why people are turning to online donation websites to raise funds for their expensive treatments, surgeries or medicines. Medical Crowdfunding helps the patients to acquire financial support from a large group of people who donate through this online platform. While crowdsourcing was first introduced to the people for funding their business incentives and creative projects, it has now evolved to help people arran...

Crowdfunding for Surgerical Treatment for poor people of Pakistan

Crowdfunding for Surgical Treatment for poor people of Pakistan

Jahanzeb Effendi is a medical doctor who had served in both public and private hospitals of Pakistan. He spoke about the prevailing issues of our health care system with the Dawn on, April 7, 2017. While talking about the bitter experiences he had mentioned about a surgical case once he had handled in a government hospital:

Online Donation Websites List Where You Can Pay For Medical Bills

Online Donation Websites List Where You Can Pay For Medical Bills

Nobody knows what the future holds for them. The future can come up with unexpected troubles and mishaps putting you in a critical situation where you can see your life getting shattered. The future can come up with unexpected expenses especially when you have a family. Your parents or spouse or child may contact a complicated disease requiring expensive medical treatment. Patients are forced to postpone their treatments or take massive debts to afford the expensive medical care. Families often get bankrupt or forced to sell their valuable properties to pay for the costly medical bills.

List of Top 5 Online Donation Websites in Pakistan

List of Top 5 Online Donation Websites in Pakistan

Well, life is a thankless struggle. Amidst this struggle there will be shiny and bright days but there are times when the journey takes its merciless toll on you. Rough, grim and hard days are all that you face. You need to learn to cope up with the challenges of life and know how to deal with them. Perhaps there will be a bad day when you would need moral and financial support to proceed with your education. Perhaps there will be a crucial day when you need money badly to fund the treatment or surgery of your loved one. Perhaps you will find yourself in a situation where you need capital to run your startup or enterprise which has a great prospect to change you...

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