Camp in murree

Camp in murree

  • 17 Jun 2023
  • 1628
90.42% Complete (success)
$ 18.07 Required
$ 16.35 Raised
$ 1.72 Remaining

ds dsIlluminateDatabaseQueryException
SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column ‘sub_title’ at row 1 (SQL: insert into `patient_stories` (`title`, `sub_title`, `description`, `patient_id`, `draft`) values (Shahram’s story to get treatment., bcu ifuo eqfuoe rfguoe rqhfuo rqgfuorqfguoeou bcu ifuo eqfuoe rfguoe rqhfuo rqgfuorqfguoeou bcu ifuo eqfuoe rfguoe rqhfuo rqgfuorqfguoeou bcu ifuo eqfuoe rfguoe rqhfuo rqgfuorqfguoeou ‘ bcu ifuo eqfuoe rfguoe rqhfuo rqgfuorqfguoeou ‘ bcu ifuo eqfuoe
SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column ‘sub_title’ at row 1 (SQL: insert into `patient_stories` (`title`, `sub_title`, `description`, `patient_id`, `draft`) values (Shahram’s story to get treatment., bcu ifuo eqfuoe rfguoe rqhfuo rqgfuorqfguoeou bcu ifuo eqfuoe rfguoe rqhfuo rqgfuorqfguoeou bcu ifuo eqfuoe rfguoe rqhfuo rqgfuorqfguoeou bcu ifuo eqfuoe rfguoe rqhfuo rqgfuorqfguoeou ‘ bcu ifuo eqfuoe rfguoe rqhfuo rqgfuorqfguoeou ‘ bcu ifuo eqfuoe
SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column ‘sub_title’ at row 1 (SQL: insert into `patient_stories` (`title`, `sub_title`, `description`, `patient_id`, `draft`) values (Shahram’s story to get treatment., bcu ifuo eqfuoe rfguoe rqhfuo rqgfuorqfguoeou bcu ifuo eqfuoe rfguoe rqhfuo rqgfuorqfguoeou bcu ifuo eqfuoe rfguoe rqhfuo rqgfuorqfguoeou bcu ifuo eqfuoe rfguoe rqhfuo rqgfuorqfguoeou ‘ bcu ifuo eqfuoe rfguoe rqhfuo rqgfuorqfguoeou ‘ bcu ifuo eqfuoe


Donated: $ 16.28

 junaid ameer

Donated: $ 0.07

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