Mumtaz Begum can now walk again without any pain

Mumtaz Begum can now walk again without any pain

Mumtaz Bagum's Story

75 years old lady, Mumtaz Begum had a fall and got a fumier fracture. She was treated twice from general hospital in last 4 months but both operations were unsuccessful. Due to low income, her son was unable to help his mother. Now after 3rd Surgery at Zainab Memorial Hospital by Dr. Masood, under the supervision of Transparent Hands, Mumtaz Begum is now feeling much better than ever. She is very happy and grateful to Transparent Hands Team and the donors who made it possible.

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 1,554.72

Total Funds

$ 1,554.72

Funds Raised

$ 1,554.72
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 1,554.72 Raised

Successfully Operated

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