A Simple Way To Donate Transparent Hands by Using Fonepay

A Simple Way To Donate Transparent Hands by Using Fonepay

A simple way to Donate Transparent Hands by using Fonepay

Being a member of a developing country like Pakistan, everyone must have the idea of hurdles and economic issues that are faced by the middle and lower middle classes in Pakistan. Too many there are a number of well-known hospitals that are offering up to the mark and the most advanced services with the latest updates and machines offered by the medical sciences to the human being. But, there are still a large number of people who are not able to avail the basic facilities in their lifetime. A Simple Way To Donate Transparent Hands by Using Fonepay.

These people are always in need of help of other people in the society. Like hospitality and other social works, the Pakistani nation has never stayed behind helping any person in need. These needy and poor people of Pakistan are helped by the riches in a number of ways. Donations are one such way to help these underprivileged people of Pakistan.

AmazonSmile and TransparentHands – Way of Saving Lives

A major role in this manner is played by the corporate sector. It is an understood fact that the without the support of corporate sector, no other sector of life can survive in any way. The business is helping the society in a number of ways. Fonepay is one such corporate entity that is impressively helping the donors to get connected to these needy people by making donations in an easy way.

Fonepay has offered an interactive user interface that helps a donor to setup FonePay in few seconds. If you are the one who is willing to make a donation to any of your favorite organization, you can get it done by setting up an account on Fonepay. It is a simple way to donate transparent hands by using FonePay if you are looking to offer a supporting hand to the poor people in dealing with their medical surgery bills in Pakistan.  For this process you will initially need to follow the following steps:

A Simple Way To Donate Transparent Hands by Using Fonepay

  1. Get the App: first and foremost is to get the app in your access. You can get the mobile app for the offered services via Play Store and Google Play.
  2. Linking Your Account: You will be directed to the wizard of linking your Fonepay with any account from any of the participating banks.
  3. Ready to Go: By the moment you will link up your account with the app, you will be all set to move ahead and shop or send gifts in store, in-app and online.

Scan and Pay:

The idea is simple and is well carried by augmented reality. Being an innovative technology, augmented reality is something very rare in Pakistan at the moment. However, it is liked by the users and is appreciated very well. It helps you scan a code and deliver or share any amount of information in few seconds. This innovative idea is implemented by the FonePay, in stores and online.

With this application, the user can use their smartphone to make payment at the stores, directly from their account that they have mentioned on the app while registering or opening their account on the app. One can also use the virtual cards, gift cards as well as loyalty points via a simple to do scanning of the QR code given.

For a hassle-free payment right from your account without having a worry about the amount you have in cash or the one in the card.

Loyalty pays off for sure and with the FonePay app, it is a really amazing thing to deal with as it offers amazing discounts for earning rewards and points. It manages the entire process seamlessly and will inform you when to redeem them at any online store or retail store, every single time you shop.

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