Top 5 Welfare Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan

All You Need to Know About Open Heart Surgery

All You Need to Know About Open Heart Surgery

Open heart surgery can sound scary but advances in medical and surgical techniques ,have made the procedures much safer reducing the life-threatening risks to some extent. Even a few years, back open heart surgery really meant cutting out your chest cavity and exposing the heart to perform surgery on it which involved many risks.

Top 5 Trust Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in need in Pakistan

Top 5 Trust Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan

One’s access to good health shouldn’t depend, on whether they live on the ivory tower or in the slums. One’s access to quality medical care, shouldn’t also  depend on how many bank accounts they have.The lack of sincerity in our governments and responsible authorities have led to an impaired healthcare system: causing unnecessary pain, suffering and uncountable deaths till now.

5 Things You Should Know About Open Heart Surgery

Open heart surgeries are performed to operate on the heart to treat problems with the valves, arteries supplying the heart, and often problems associated with Aneurysms in the main vessel leaving the heart. Though it is an intensive surgery,  mortality rates are quite low so patients need not worry or become scared about the procedures.

4 Ways to Screen Poor Patients in Need of Medical Attention

Ways to Screen Poor Patients in Need of Medical Attention. The main factor to screen the poor patients is to analyze the problem at first through data collection, which will also help in screening of patients and the number of diseases they are suffering from.

List of Top 15 health issues in Pakistan

List of Top 15 health issues in Pakistan

List of Top 15 health issues in Pakistan. The increasing rate of health issues in Pakistan is alarming. These health issues are leading to new kind of diseases that are difficult to treat because of lack of finances and economic conditions. Pakistan is currently ranking 1t 122 out of 190 countries in terms of health care according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Despite significant improvements over the past decades, Pakistan has third highest rate in the world when it comes to infant mortality.

List of Top 8 Health Issues in Pakistan

List of Top 8 Health Issues in Pakistan

List of Top 8 Health Issues in Pakistan. In Pakistan, more than 70 million of the population is living below the poverty line. These people don't have any access to basic facilities including food and water. In addition to that, if they get sick, they don't have any proper healthcare facilities. In the history of Pakistan, health has never been a top priority especially of the people living in rural areas.

Uterine Fibroids- What Women Need to Know

Uterine Fibroids: What Women Need to Know?

Uterine Fibroid is the most common disease which is developed in about 20 to 80 percent of women by the age of 50 whereas 35 percent of women are diagnosed with this before they reach menopause. Fibroids can make the women feel very uncomfortable and often cause many complications depending on how serious is the case.

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