Top 5 Trust Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to the People in Need in Pakistan from UK

Top 5 Online Christmas Charity Organizations You Can Donate To

Top 5 Online Christmas Charity Organizations You Can Donate to

Online Charity organizations are changing lives through their crowdfunding method. They are raising funds from donors online and helping to save millions of lives every day. These funds are gathered and spent for numerous causes: to provide a safe shelter to the homeless people, to provide free diagnosis, treatment, medicines and surgeries for poor patients, to rescue and protect animals from all kinds of abuse and tortures and what not.

How People Donated Charity on this Thanksgiving 2018

How People Donated Charity on this Thanksgiving 2018

Thanksgiving comes with a celebratory mood with sparkling candles, roasted turkey, scrumptious pies and gifts from our loved ones glaring all around us.Thanksgiving should not be considered  just as an occasion, to be celebrated with our family or friends but reconsider this day to be spent for the well being of others.

Top 5 Trust Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in need in Pakistan

Top 5 Trust Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan

One’s access to good health shouldn’t depend, on whether they live on the ivory tower or in the slums. One’s access to quality medical care, shouldn’t also  depend on how many bank accounts they have.The lack of sincerity in our governments and responsible authorities have led to an impaired healthcare system: causing unnecessary pain, suffering and uncountable deaths till now.

How People Donated Charity on this Christmas 2018

The beauty of Christmas engulfs our heart and mind like no other season, because it is the time when our soul is molded in the spark of delight and divinity.Unfortunately, only a few people can enjoy Christmas, because they have the luxury and wealth to do so.

Zakat Calculator-How to Calculate Zakat online

Zakat Calculator – How to Calculate Zakat Online

Zakat means to purify one’s soul and wealth. Being the third pillar of Islam Zakat is an obligation which must be performed by all Muslims. Zakat is the systematic giving of 2.5% of one’s wealth to those in need. Zakat is essentially an act of worship through which Muslims benefit themselves as well as others and establish social justice. Zakat can be paid at anytime of the year and this depends on the person’s individual financial circumstances. Different people become the owners of Nisab at different times of the year so the time of paying Zakat varies for each individual.

How to Calculate Zakat on Bonus

How to Calculate Zakat on Bonus

Zakat is the spiritual act to bring social justice in the community. In this kind of systematic giving the rich share the benefit of their prosperity with those who are less fortunate. This is the Islamic approach to remove greed and envy from our society, establish peace and purify one’s soul and wealth.

Top 9 Reasons Charity Should Be Encouraged

Top 9 Reasons Charity Should Be Encouraged

Top 9 Reasons Charity Should Be Encouraged. Charity is associated with donations often in a disrespectful manner or misjudged as pity. Charity is all about making a significant difference especially when you are blessed with abundant riches, giving away a fair chunk of money is an easy matter. Our ignorance towards charity is a crying shame in today’s world, where we see the bulk of commercial advertisements, events are pouring everywhere to entice buyers but no such massive initiative steps are introduced to encourage the rich and the young generation to do charity or support a social cause.

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