Best 5 Ways to Avoid Online Donation Scams

Rich & Poor- The Basic Difference

Rich and Poor – The Basic Difference

A person who has been rich and has been poor knows well what is the difference living both the lives. However, it is not necessary for everyone to live both the lives to understand the difference. On the basis of some personal experience

List of Government Hospitals in Pakistan

List of Government Hospitals in Pakistan

Excellent health care facilities are being provided in all the major and minor areas of Pakistan but there is still a long mile to go. Here is the list of Government hospitals in Pakistan.

Top 6 Global Athletes Who Generously Donate to Charity

At times, where we know very few of the celebrities are into donations and such activities, but the athletes are really well known for their donations and charities. At times there are some who just stick to their teams, grounds, play courts etc. and are away from the limelight, there are many who feel happy to be a part of social activities.

Top 3 Charity Donor Showbiz Celebrities

In the most general context, what we assume about celebrities is that they are kinds rich and tend to spend their earning on buying themselves expensive stuff including vehicles, beach houses, designers wear and other stuff that can make them live a luxury life.

The Rich & The Charity From The Pages Of Our Glorious History

The Rich & The Charity From The Pages Of Our Glorious History (Prophet PBUH, The Caliphs and The Beloved Companions) As narrated by Jabir Ibn Abdullah; the massager of Allah has cursed on the accepter and the giver of interest and the one who keeps a record of it and those who witnessed it. They are all equal (Muslim).

Top 16 Questions About Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people. Crowdfunding is a form of crowd-sourcing and of alternative finance. In connection with nonprofits, crowdfunding happens through websites tailored to showcase specific projects or causes and accept donations

The Eight Kinds Of People To Whom Zakat Can Be Given

Zakat is a form of charity which is given to the poor and needy. It is one of the five pillars of Islam and is obligatory on every Muslim who is financially stable. The main objective of zakat is to help the society by giving something from your wealth. In return, the Muslims get tremendous rewards not only in this world but also in hereafter.

Reasons Why People Don’t Donate To Charity

In our daily lives, we come across many individuals and platforms asking for donation. However, there are a number of reasons due to which we are hesitant to donate. When we give even a little amount to any person or NGO that support a specific cause, it creates a huge impact. Despite the positive effects our donation can make, there are some of the excuses that stop us to give money to charity.

How Crowdfunding can help tackle poverty

Now the question arises, can the Crowdfunding be useful in tackling the poverty in underprivileged societies? The answer might be YES. There are many NGOs who are serving the poor and deprived people in such areas through fundraising. There are various causes for which they are working including education, women empowerment, healthcare and infrastructure.

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