3 Questions to Ask Before Zakat Donation in Pakistan

3 Questions to Ask Before Zakat Donation in Pakistan

Zakat is the religious form of almsgiving in Islam treated as an obligatory act and by Quranic ranking, it comes next after the prayer (Salat) in importance. To become a righteous Muslim one is obliged to pay Zakat and fulfill one’s duties to the unprivileged people of the society.

Transparent Hands Provided Online Zakat calculator

Transparent Hands Provided Online Zakat calculator

Zakat is not only a spiritual or religious giving or the redistribution of wealth among the rich or poor. Zakat is more about establishing social justice where the rich give to the poor to boost security, peace, tolerance, and harmony in the society. Islam has mentioned enormous rewards for Zakat or Charity. Giving charity is an act of kindness towards the recipients and at the same time it highly benefits those who give it including guarding life’s challenges and problems and resulting in increase of one’s wealth.

Zakat: A way to Purify Yourself and Your Wealth

Zakat: A way to Purify Yourself and Your Wealth

Islam is not only a religion but a way of life. Islam has ensured equal rights for all. Islam has deep concerns for the well being of men, women, children, orphans, the needy, the poor and every kind of people living in the society. Islam has established Zakat as a compulsory duty to be carried out by the rich to reduce the agony and pain of the poor and needy.

Who is eligible for zakat and when to to pay zakat

Who is Eligible for Zakat and When to Pay Zakat

Zakat is the mandatory giving of a fixed proportion from one’s wealth. It is a spiritual practice and worship which leads to the purification of the soul and a person’s wealth. Zakat is a way to remind ourselves that whatever fortune we own it is due to the blessings of the Almighty and we really do not own it and after death we will not be able to take anything with us. Zakat also helps to purify one’s character because it frees us from vices like desire and greed, envy, jealousy etc.

When to Pay Zakat and how do you calculate your Zakat

When to Pay Zakat and how do you calculate your Zakat

Islam is not only a religion but a way of life too. It preaches about good practices in day to day life and forbids conducting any evil acts which may hurt any individual, family or the community. Islam has only one motto that is maintaining harmony and peace in society. This motto in Islam has led to the practice of giving Zakat to the poor in order to maintain social justice.

Facts of Zakat and How do you Calculate Your Zakat

Facts of Zakat and How do you Calculate Your Zakat

Muslims are still ignorant about numerous aspects, laws and regulations of Islam. Many Islamic laws and rules have been misinterpreted by people and they have implemented them in the wrong way. We believe fulfilling the compulsory five waqt Salat everyday will make us a righteous person. We believe that we have fulfilled our religious duties after fasting in every Ramadan and going on a pilgrimage in Makkah. We believe that fulfilling our responsibilities towards our families, parents, relatives and friends are enough to lead a righteous life according to Islam.

What is the Importance of Charity and Who is Eligible to Have It

What is the Importance of Charity and Who is Eligible to Have It

People choose to support charitable organizations or nonprofits for various reasons. For some, it offers the chance to give something back to the community or make a difference to the people around them. Charity is an opportunity to give something back to the community through donating to an organization that has impacted a person's life.

How to calculate Zakat on Revenue

How to calculate Zakat on Revenue

For Muslims around the world, the month of Ramadan is a time of deep reflection, sacrifice and joyous family gatherings. It’s also a time when Muslims give more Zakat than any time of the year.The giver is believed to be purified through the act of transferring wealth to the poor. Zakat is also a powerful source of good with untapped potential for contributing to sustainable development in communities.

How to Calculate Zakat on Gold

How to Calculate Zakat on Gold

Zakat is the mandatory giving of a particular proportion of one's wealth to charity. Zakat is a type of worship that is required for the purification of one’s wealth and soul. Zakat is one of the third pillars of Islam and does not refer to charitable gifts given to the poor out of kindness or generosity. Zakat is a systematic giving of 2.5% of one's wealth each year to benefit the unfortunate.

Zakat Calculator-How to Calculate Zakat online

Zakat Calculator – How to Calculate Zakat Online

Zakat means to purify one’s soul and wealth. Being the third pillar of Islam Zakat is an obligation which must be performed by all Muslims. Zakat is the systematic giving of 2.5% of one’s wealth to those in need. Zakat is essentially an act of worship through which Muslims benefit themselves as well as others and establish social justice. Zakat can be paid at anytime of the year and this depends on the person’s individual financial circumstances. Different people become the owners of Nisab at different times of the year so the time of paying Zakat varies for each individual.

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