Welcome to PSRD

The Pakistan Society for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (PSRD) is a non-profit, charitable organization established in 1957 in Lahore, Pakistan. From its comprehensive facility located on Ferozepur Road, it provides a wide range of affordable medical, surgical, educational and rehabilitation services to people with physical disabilities.

It caters particularly to people coming from the low income sector who are unable to access these services elsewhere. It is supported by donations from philanthropic individuals and organizations. It also receives grants from the government from time to time. Among the facilities is a 100 bed Hospital, Physiotherapy Dept., Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy, High School, Orthotics & Prosthetic Workshop.

The PSRD Foundation

The PSRD Foundation (TPF) formerly known as the American Friends of Pakistan Society for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled was established in U.S.A. in 1991 with the objective of soliciting support for the PSRD in the USA by collecting donations. These donations go a long way to help the PSRD in the maintenance and expansion of its multi-disciplinary rehabilitation services. The TPF has working relationship with the World Rehabilitation Fund, Inc. (WRF) in New York. The accounts of funds/donations collected for PSRD are properly maintained by them.

(PSRD) was laid in 1957 with a small Physiotherapy Center in the Out Patient Department (OPD) of Mayo Hospital Lahore. Dr. Amir ud Din was the first President and Dr. Ayub Ahmad Khan was General Secretary, Begum Khudeja G.A Khan was the President of PSRD from 1960 to 1988 while Dr. Amir ud Din was its patron.

In 1963 the PSRD with the help of two research projects approved by the Govt. of Pakistan and funded by USA Govt. under the PL-480 Programme enabled the Society to set up a multipurpose a Physiotherapy Department and a workshop for fabrication of Prosthetics and Orthotics.

The existing premises was purchased by the Society in 1964. In 1969 the first new building  was completed to house the Orthopaedic Workshop. In 1971-72 the block housing Physiotherapy Department and Surgical Unit was completed.

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