List of top 10 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Pakistan

Zakat or alms giving has been made compulsory in Islam to invoke the love of Allah, truthfulness and humanity within the hearts of Muslims. Zakat is a mandatory giving to the poor and no righteous Muslim can deny it. List of top 10 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Pakistan
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Islam has encouraged its followers to live a righteous life, commit to righteous deeds and possess righteousness in their characters.
Now a greedy person cannot be righteous because the love of wealth has turned him blind. His blindness won’t let him differentiate between the right and wrong doings; hence, he would go to any extent to acquire more wealth. He would commit to wrong doings and even hurt people to earn more.
On the other hand, a miser would not spend a single penny for helping others, because he will believe that giving to fulfill someone else’s need would reduce his wealth. Hence, his love for wealth will turn him blind and deaf to the sufferings and lamentations of the poor men, women and children around him. List of top 10 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Pakistan
Islam has made Zakat compulsory, so that humans can rise above their selfish beings and can think about the welfare of society and mankind. Through Zakat, human beings can practice the act of compassion and love towards the poor who needs our help to survive.
Zakat has been made compulsory to purify the morale and soul of the Muslims, and give them a thought-provoking moment to think about the happiness, peace and relief of the poor and grieving souls.
Here we have listed the top 10 Zakat accepting organizations in Pakistan, where you can donate your Zakat money in order to fulfill your religious and social obligations.
List of Top 10 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Pakistan
1. Transparent Hands
2. Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital
3. Edhi Foundation
4. Chhipa Welfare Association
5. Aurat Foundation
7. The Rising Sun
8. The Citizen Foundation
9. Care Pakistan
10. The Sindh Institute of Urology & Transplantation
1. Transparent Hands:
Committed to Provide Free Surgeries to Those Who Cannot Afford:
“Transparent Hands” is a non-profit organization, which is tackling this major healthcare issue of Pakistan with the help of fundraising through its unique Crowdfunding platform. Transparent Hands conducts the surgeries of deserving patients free of cost at private hospitals, with the help of donations and charity. Donors from all over the world can use our online Crowdfunding web portal if they wish to donate. You can select any patient, fund the surgery and receive regular feedback and updates, until the patient is recovered completely.
Our User Friendly Online Fundraising Work As Follows:
- Choose the patient whose surgery you want to fund.
- Choose from a number of payment methods as per your convenience.
- Donate to that particular patient and get tax exemption.
- Get regular updates of that patient until he/she gets fully recovered.
Why Donate to Us?
- You want to save the lives of people by donating for their surgical treatment.
- You need complete transparency of where your donation/charity is going.
Donors can completely put their trust in us regarding their donations and charity. There are many people in Pakistan and all over the world, who wish to spend their money on trust organizations, but we are unsure about to whom we should donate. In order to ensure complete transparency, Transparent Hands uploads all the documents with the patient’s success stories, so the donors can see that their money is spent on a right cause.
Download our TransparentHands iPhone Application for Online Donation2. Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital :
“Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital” is one of the largest charity organizations of Pakistan, established by Imran Khan.
This historic hospital was the only healthcare provider for the cancer patients at the time of its establishment. With its successful operation in Lahore and Peshawar, Shaukat Khanam Cancer Hospital employs the modern technology and advanced machinery for the detection and treatment of various types of cancer. The formation grips the services of qualified doctors serving the people who are unable to afford the cure of cancer. The hospital does not charge a single penny and turns the infected individuals towards better life from the death edge.
3. Edhi Foundation :
“Edhi Foundation” is one of the most appreciated and internationally known foundations, This foundation was founded by Abdul Sattar Edhi in 1951. This foundation provides round the clock emergency services in all parts of the country. It has around 300 operating centers. The offered services include accommodation for destitute, handicapped and orphans etc. It also offers free medical care and hospital services with national and international relief, drug rehabilitation, education, blood and drug bank, healthcare, coastal and marine services and air ambulance services.
This foundation have helped transform lives of hundreds of people and the donations or zakat can be accepted via credit cards, banks or PayPal.
4. Chhipa Welfare Association :
“Chhipa Welfare Association” is also one of the very efficient charity organizations in Pakistan, It was founded in 2007 by Ramzan Chhipa.
Its activities include ambulance service and free or low-cost food to people with low income. The association is headquartered in Karachi and operates throughout the city. Chhipa Welfare Association is purely a non-profit NGO which is serving humanity without any discrimination of caste creed or color.
5. Aurat Foundation :
“Aurat Foundation” was Established in 1986, as a national, non-profit and non-governmental charity organization in Pakistan under the Societies’ Registration Act 1860.
Aurat Publication and Information Service Foundation is committed to create widespread awareness and commitment for a just, democratic and caring society in Pakistan, where women and men are recognized as equals, with the right to lead their lives with self-respect and dignity. Over the last 29 years.
Aurat Foundation is recognized nationally and internationally as one of the leading institutions creating, facilitating and strengthening civil society groups and networks for promoting trust and collaboration among citizens to mobilize public pressure for women’s empowerment in the country.
6. EHSAS :
“EHSAS” is an NGO based in Chakwal and Islamabad. Its projects target a wide range of areas including poverty alleviation, healthcare, education and social development.
EHSAS has various ongoing efforts in place including EHSAS library, EHSAS blood bank, EHSAS Hepatitis Awareness and Vaccination Program, EHSAS Horticulture Development Program and EHSAS Good Governance Program.
7. The Rising Sun :
The idea of “The Rising Sun”was formulated by Mr. & Mrs. Abdul Tawwab Khan in 1984 and the journey started by then, only with two special kids. Now it is looking after about 415 enrolled kids and about 68 kids through their home-based rehabilitation services.
It is a major institute in Pakistan that is providing services like education, physiotherapy, speech therapy, sensory and hydro integration therapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy to children with intellectual cognitive impairment cerebral palsy and autism and vocational training etc.
8. The Citizen Foundation :
“The Citizen Foundation” is one of the largest non-profit organizations in the field of education. It was established back in 1995. According to the records generated in April 2014, the organization has about 1000 operational schools that are providing education to more than 145,000 students in different parts of the nation.
The organization has also partnered with the 141 schools, in order to help them achieve their goals and build 141 TCF schools in different parts of Pakistan.
9. CARE Pakistan :
“Care Pakistan” was founded in 1988 by Seema Aziz. The first school attracted about 250 students at its very first day and is now serving in different parts of the country. The name now owns about 352 schools, each offering quality education to more than 180,000 students. It has now introduced an English program that is providing high-quality education in English to about 2,991 students.
The organization has the aim to educate 1/9 million kids.
10. The Sindh Institute of Urology & Transplantation :
“The Sindh Institute of Urology & Transplantation” also known as SIUT, it started its journey almost 4 decades ago with an 8-bed ward in the burns unit of the civil hospital Karachi. Now it has more than 500 bed and the offered facilities and services spread on more than 400,000 sqft. Regionally known as one of the well-equipped centers for renal transplantation and related diseases the institute is well appreciated.
Download our Transparenthands Andriod Application for Online Donation
Zakat is a thought-provoking kind of financial worship which has been made compulsory to remind Muslims that they have some obligations not only towards their families, relatives or friends but also towards their community and its people.
If we take a closer look at today’s Pakistan, we can understand how Zakat is really important for the betterment of our society.
According to the online journal Borgen Project, about 35% of the country’s population is living below the poverty line and are highly dependent on the wealth of the rich families for a living.
Poverty has also increased the rate of child labor in the country and hampering their education. Out of 40 million Pakistani children, 3.8 million are working at an early age to support their families, and another 11 million of these children are working in factories under hazardous conditions.
Today’s children are the leaders of tomorrow but what are we giving them?
We have given them nothing but an unhealthy and impoverished childhood with zero education, that will ultimately lead them to nowhere. Even in the future they will remain stuck in this vicious cycle of poverty and live meaningless lives just like their poor parents did.
Many Pakistanis are living in poverty because the country’s wealth is concentrated among a few rich families. The situation is becoming worse as Pakistan’s leading corporations, landlords and wealthy entities pay fewer taxes to the government and they totally ignore paying Zakat annually causing poverty, hunger and illiteracy rates to rise higher. List of top 10 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Pakistan
Zakat is a great way to generate revenues for the welfare of the poor community only if the big landlords, capitalists, industrialists and the other rich persons understand its importance and step forward to fulfill their religious responsibilities.
Every well off Muslim family should commit to the welfare of Pakistan by giving their Zakat annually. We can donate our Zakat money to deserving charitable or nonprofit organizations, that are fighting for poverty and are working to enhance the educational, employment and the healthcare sector of our country.
When people with strong moral characters join hands to make little sacrifices for the welfare of the country, social changes are bound to come.
Give your Zakat sincerely and honestly for the greater good of the people, and see something magical happen both to the donor and its recipients.
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