List of Top 16 Trust Organizations in Pakistan

List of Top 16 Trust Organizations in Pakistan

List of Top 16 Trust Organizations in Pakistan

“Kausar Parveen is a 52 years old homemaker suffering from Gallbladder stone for 5 years. Due to her disease, she had experienced severe pain in her upper right abdomen and chest, nausea, vomiting and dark urine.  List of Top 16 Trust Organizations in Pakistan 

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When her condition worsened the doctors  advised her surgery, but her poor husband did not have the money to pay for it. They kept on running from one hospital to another for help, but no one was willing to hear their pleas.

Luckily, they came to know about Transparent Hands and pleaded them to help for Kausar’s surgery. Right now Kausar is registered under this medical trust, and they are trying their best to raise funds for her surgery to give her permanent relief.”

In a developing country like Pakistan,almost 60 million people are living below the poverty line. These are the people who are found living under bridges, on footpaths, on various platforms of the railway station as well as in crowded slums.

When they cannot even afford to fulfill their minimal need like having two times proper meal for their whole family, how can we expect them to deposit thousands of rupees in cash at the hospital counter, to initiate their treatment or surgeries in emergency situations!

When these helpless people do not receive free treatment from public or private hospitals, they rush to the medical trusts or nonprofit organizations out of desperation to save their lives.

Majority of people living below the poverty line has compromised with their fates. They do not wish for a luxurious life neither they want unlimited riches to fulfill their materialistic desires. They believe even their monotonous life could have been peaceful, if only they could get access to their basic human rights without financial hardships or resistance.

Trust organizations have created a positive ripple in the society through their charitable services for the poor. These organizations sponsor treatment for poor men, women,and children across the country that does not have the ability to access expensive medical care. Their charitable services have provided great relief to families of individuals affected by life-threatening diseases.

Here is the list of top 16 Trust Organizations in Pakistan, that are assisting the poor population to cope up with their everyday living costs and are providing some breathing space amidst their struggling lives.

List of Top 16 Trust Organizations in Pakistan

1– Transparent Hands 

2– Edhi Foundation

3– Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital

4– Chhipa Welfare Association

5– Aurat Foundation

6– Shahid Afridi Foundation

7– Ansar Burney Trust

8– Darul Sukun

9– Minhaj Welfare Foundation

10– Aga Khan Foundation

11– Al-Khidmat Foundation


13– Fatimid Foundation

14– Fauji Foundation

15– Khushaal Pakistan

16- TCF (The Citizen Foundation)

1-Transparent Hands:

“Transparent Hands” is a trust organization and the online Crowdfunding platform in health sector of Pakistan, which is striving to provide the best surgical treatment to thousands of underprivileged patients. Transparent Hands uses its web portal, to connect billions of donors around the world to help in funding the surgeries of poor patients. It also ensures to provide transparent funding system to the donors. Donors are ensured that each penny they donate, will be spent on the needy patient’s surgery and this is done through the hospital bills which are uploaded on Transparent Hand’s web portal. 

User friendly Online Fundraising Work as Follows:

  • Choose the patient whose surgery you want to fund.
  • Choose from a number of payment methods as per your convenience.
  • Donate to that particular patient and get tax exemption.
  • Get regular updates of that patient until he/she gets fully recovered.

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2-Edhi Foundation:

“Edhi Foundation” is the best foundation across Pakistan, and one of the best social welfare service providers across the world running on non-commercial, non-political and non-communal basis, serving round-the-clock without any discrimination of color, class and creed is enjoying exclusive credentials in the shape of awards and shields conferred upon Mr. Abdul Sattar Edhi and Mrs. Bilquis Edhi by governmental and non-governmental organizations, on national and international level for rendering their exemplary services to humanity in multidimensional fields.

The diversified fields in which Abdul Sattar Edhi played his greatest role for; saving the lives of thousands of newborn babies by placing the cradles outside the Edhi centres, fostering the abandoned babies and children, free nurturing disabled and handicapped people, free caring and feeding women and elderly people who were subjected to torture or neglected by their families, free supporting to ailing patients by providing free medication and medicines through his mobile dispensaries, hospitals and the diabetic center.

3-Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital:

“Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital” is one of the largest trust organizations of Pakistan established by Imran Khan. Imran Khan, after touching the heights of popularity through his great career in cricket, and now also in politics, holds great concern for people suffering from this deadly disease. This historic hospital was the only healthcare provider for the cancer patients at the time of its establishment. With its successful operation in Lahore and Peshawar, Shaukat Khanam Cancer Hospital employs the modern technology and advanced machinery, for the detection and treatment of various types of cancer. The formation grips the services of qualified doctors serving the people, who are unable to afford the cure of cancer. The hospital does not charge a single penny and turns the infected individuals towards better life from the death edge.

4-Chhipa Welfare Association:

“Chhipa Welfare Association” is also one of the very efficient trust organizations in Pakistan, founded in 2007 by Ramzan Chhipa. Its activities include ambulance service and free or low-cost food to people with low income. The association is headquartered in Karachi and operates throughout the city. Chhipa Welfare Association is purely a non-profit NGO, which is serving humanity without any discrimination of caste creed or color.

5-Aurat Foundation:

“Aurat Foundation” is established in 1986, as a national, non-profit and non-governmental charity organization in Pakistan under the Societies’ Registration Act 1860, Aurat Publication and Information Service Foundation (Aurat Foundation/AF) is committed to create widespread awareness and commitment for a just, democratic and caring society in Pakistan, where women and men are recognized as equals, with the right to lead their lives with self-respect and dignity. Over the last 29 years, Aurat Foundation is recognized nationally and internationally as one of the leading institutions creating, facilitating and strengthening civil society groups and networks, for promoting trust and collaboration among citizens to mobilize public pressure for women’s empowerment in the country.

6-Shahid Afridi Foundation:

After enjoying the victorious cricket career, Shahid Afridi is now serving humanity through “Shahid Afridi Foundation” which grasps the vision of making Pakistan the motherland of educated people, and ensuring the best health facilities without any discrimination. The goal of SAF is to go global and create an alliance with other reputable foundations to serve people irrespective of race, religion, national origin and color. SAF is currently in the process of constructing a hospital and school within Pakistan which will be focused to support people who are in need of healthy life, proper education and medical necessities.

7-Ansar Burney Trust International:

“Ansar Burney Trust” is a non-governmental, non-political, non-profitable and a charity organization in Pakistan that is working to fight against all forms of injustices, cruel inhuman and degrading treatment, child abuse, cruelty to women and other more subtle forms of human and civil rights violations without any discrimination of affiliation. The NGO is run by Ansar Burney himself and it’s striving to raise awareness, provide free legal advice and services and humanitarian assistance where needed. They have also established “Prisoners Aid Society” to bring reform in police stations, prisons and mental institutions and work for the aid, advice, release, rehabilitation and welfare of the illegally and unlawfully detained prisoners and mental patients.

8-Darul Sukun:

“Darul Sukun” is an exceptional center functioning for the comfort of mentally disabled children and adults. This leading NGO gives place to such members of society which have been left behind by their loved ones. It’s a home to disabled individuals who are residing upon the streets, witnessing the harshness of their loved ones. These people are brought in by social workers, relatives or even police to improve their miserable condition. Sr. Gertrude started this amazing platform and served the important part of society here in Pakistan without flying back to Holland.

9-Minhaj Welfare Foundation (MWF):

“Minhaj Welfare Foundation” is one of the largest non-government international trust organizations, with a network of branches and projects in over 100 countries worldwide. It was started by Tahir-ul-Qadri as a part of Minhaj-ul-Quran International. Minhaj Welfare Foundation (MWF) is fully registered with the UK charity commission. Its head office is in Pakistan. MWF helps to support the poor and needy in marginalized communities by working for their rights, providing children the access to education, providing the poor access to Basic Health Care and the means for Social Economic and Welfare support.

10-Aga Khan Foundation:

“Aga Khan Foundation” is an NGO that works to improve the quality of life for villagers. The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), alongside its sister AKDN agencies, has implemented innovative, community-driven solutions to development challenges for more than 45 years. It focuses on a small number of specific development problems by forming intellectual and financial partnerships, with organizations sharing its objectives. With a small staff, a host of cooperating agencies and thousands of volunteers, the Foundation reaches out to vulnerable populations, irrespective of their race, religion, ethnicity or gender.

11-Al-Khidmat Foundation Pakistan:

“Al-Khidmat Foundation” is a non-profit organization based in Lahore, that focuses on a wide range of humanitarian services across Pakistan. Al-Khidmat Foundation has been active in flood relief and other disaster relief work since many years. In addition, the organization runs schools and orphan homes, manages clean water projects, runs ambulances, sets up medical camps, provides help to those in jail and offers goods and supplies to those in need.

12-EHSAS (Education, Health, and Social Achievement Services):

“EHSAS” is an NGO based in Chakwal and Islamabad. Its projects target a wide range of areas including poverty alleviation, healthcare, education and social development. EHSAS has various ongoing efforts in place including EHSAS library, EHSAS blood bank, EHSAS Hepatitis Awareness and Vaccination Program, EHSAS Horticulture Development Program and EHSAS Good Governance Program.

13-Fatimid Foundation:

“Fatimid Foundation” is a trust organization that aims to help the millions of blood disease cases in Pakistan. It is a pioneer in providing safe blood transfusions to patients in Pakistan. The organization provides healthy fully screened blood and blood products, each month to its thousands of patients (the majority of whom are children) suffering from dreadful blood disorders such as thalassemia, hemophilia and others. The foundation arranges blood in case of emergencies in country.

14-Fauji Foundation:

“Fauji Foundation” is a trust set up for the welfare of ex-servicemen and their dependents. Fauji Foundation was established as a charitable trust in 1954, and operates on a completely self-sustaining basis. It channels approximately 80% of the profits from commercial ventures into social protection programs that serve a beneficiary population representing approximately 7% of the country’s population. Spending more than Rs. 23.8 billion since its inception on welfare, the Foundation provides services in the areas of healthcare, education, educational stipends, technical and vocational training. Over 2.1 million patients are treated per year through the FF Healthcare System. Approximately 41,112 students are enrolled in the FF Education System, and over 6,000 individuals are trained annually through the FF Vocational & Technical Training Centers.

15-Khushal Pakistan:

“Khushaal Pakistan” is an organization that was formed on July 28th, 2010 when Pakistan was hit with devastating floods that affected millions. Created by a group of young graduates with excellent educational backgrounds and a desire and drive to help others, the organization took off immediately with the aim to reach those in need and to try and get donation funds directly to the people with minimal overhead costs. After the immediate flood effort died down, the organization turned its attention towards rehabilitating particular flood-hit areas in Risalpur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

16-The Citizens Foundation (TCF):

“The Citizens Foundation” is one of the largest non-profit organizations in Pakistan in the field of education. It was established in 1995, by a group of citizens in Karachi. It aims to provide quality education to the underprivileged youth in Pakistan. As of April 2016, TCF has expanded its network to 1202 operational school units, which provide education to 175,000 students nationwide. The Citizens Foundation (TCF) aims to bring about an enduring positive change for the communities most in need through quality education, enabling moral, spiritual and intellectual enlightenment and creating opportunities to improve the quality of life.

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Trust Organizations open the door to improved life and good health for people. They act as the catalyst to bring positive transformations in our society, and work to create new economic opportunities and help to increase community cohesion.

Trust Organizations have established themselves to be an integral part of our society, by cultivating a deep sense of reliability among people where the governmental organizations have failed them, and no longer enjoys full faith of the public.

There is nothing new about governments offering incredibly broad and ambitious healthcare programs to ensure treatment for all across the country, because we have seen these programs bringing no results due to heavily bureaucratic systems.

On the other side, we cannot sit idle and hope that the government alone will be able to solve all our societal issues one day. It is near to impossible because the government tries to solve every issue through an excess of rules and procedures, instead of proposing creative solutions to them. This is a big reason why our societal issues persist year after year, decade after decade, without getting resolved one day.

Trust organizations are working on their objective to build an equitable healthcare system for all. They are promoting health through life courses and are fighting both Non-communicable and Communicable diseases in order to empower individuals, communities and countries.

Trust organizations are not allowed to make profits which means they need our help, to run their charitable projects for the betterment of millions of people across the country.

Our financial aid to these organizations can spell hope in the life of the poor and needy, by giving them access to free healthcare and other basic needs.

A healthy life can give poor men, women and children the courage to dream of a better future while strengthening their determination to pursue those dreams at present.

Let us help the disadvantaged people to get the best start in life.

Let us donate to any of these top 16 trust organizations in Pakistan to make a difference in the lives of poor and unhappy lives.

Donate Now!


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