List of Top 3 Humanitarian Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan

List of Top 3 Humanitarian Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan

List of Top 3 Humanitarian Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan

Humanitarian crises is often referred to as a catastrophic event caused by natural calamities and man made conflicts. However, we think humanitarian crises is deeper and broader than its definition. List of Top 3 Humanitarian Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan

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In today’s world, we cannot separate humanitarian crises from social issues like poverty, hunger or lack of healthcare facilities, because all are intertwined and deeply connected to the issue of basic human rights.

Pakistan is witnessing, serious humanitarian crises and discrimination in its healthcare sector as the poor and needy population remains deprived of medical assistance and care. This makes human sufferings prominent in the country.

The health sufferings of the Pakistani poor population are projected to increase; cries will go unheard and pain will go unseen by the government while patients continue to live in discomfort and chronic sickness.

Therefore, the humanitarian organizations have come forward to fill the void in our healthcare system, and are working with their sacred mission to safeguard human lives from all sorts of ignorance and discrimination.

Humanitarian organizations give high priority to human lives, and try to provide fast relief by providing free medical and surgical care to poor patients. Humanitarian organizations advocate for human rights, and maintain the utmost respect for human dignity to ensure decent living standards for all.

Here we have listed Top 3 Humanitarian Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan :

List of Top 3 Humanitarian Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan

1. Transparent Hands

2. Edhi Foundation

3. Shahid Afridi Foundation

1. Transparent Hands :

Free Healthcare Services for those Who Cannot Afford :

“Transparent Hands” is the largest technology platform for crowdfunding in the healthcare sector of Pakistan. It offers a complete range of free healthcare services including medical and surgical treatments, medical camps and tele-health facility, to the underprivileged community of Pakistan.
The platform provides visibility of needy patients and builds a personal and trusted bond between patients and donors while ensuring complete transparency. It also sets up free medical camps in the rural areas of Pakistan in which, free medical consultation, free medicines and free diagnostic tests facility is provided to the deserving patients.

Committed to Provide Free Healthcare Services to People in Need Across Pakistan :

Transparent Hands provides free medical and surgical treatment facility to the deserving patients across Pakistan in private hospitals. It also sets up free medical camps in rural areas of the country. Transparent Hands is also providing healthcare at doorstep through its advanced tele-health service.

Donors from all over the world can use our online Crowdfunding web portal and donate through 100% secure payment modes. They could select any patient, fund the treatment and receive regular feedback and updates until the patient is recovered completely.

Our User Friendly Online Fundraising Platform Works as Follows:

  • Choose the medical project that you want to fund.
  • Choose from a number of payment methods as per your convenience.
  • Donate for that particular project and get tax exemption.
  • Get regular updates of the patient until he/she gets completely recovered.

Fund the Surgeries & Medical Treatments of Deserving Patients by Giving Donation/Charity :

We are blessed with good health and wealth and it’s our duty to further utilize them for the service of mankind. Even a small amount can create a lasting impact in someone’s miserable life. Spend your wealth on a noble cause and transform the lives of deserving people of Pakistan. The amount which you’ll contribute, towards the surgeries and medical treatments of thousands of people will bring them back to better health and improve their living.

With the help of Crowdfunding by kind donors like you, many people under Transparent Hands were given medical relief for free. But there are still thousands of people who are in dire need of your support and are waiting for a miracle which could save their lives. Together, we can transform many lives for which we need your continued support. Let’s unite and make effort in making Pakistan an ideal place to live, where everyone has access to basic healthcare facility regardless of his financial capability.

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2. Edhi Foundation :

“Edhi Foundation” is the social welfare service provider across the world running on non-commercial, non-political and non-communal basis, serving round-the-clock without any discrimination of color, class and creed is enjoying exclusive credentials in the shape of awards and shields conferred upon Mr. Abdul Sattar Edhi and Mrs. Bilquis Edhi by governmental and non-governmental organizations, on national and international level for rendering their exemplary services to humanity in multidimensional fields.

The diversified fields in which Abdul Sattar Edhi played his greatest role for; saving the lives of thousands of newborn babies by placing the cradles outside the Edhi centres, fostering the abandoned babies and children, free nurturing disabled and handicapped people, free caring and feeding women and elderly people who were subjected to torture or neglected by their families, free support to ailing patients by providing free medication and medicines through mobile dispensaries, hospitals and the diabetic center at Karachi.

In addition to above, he offered his services in many other areas—like providing land, air and marine ambulance services during accidents to shift patients to hospitals, national and international relief and aid assistance to the affectees of natural debacles, providing relief aid to refugees in various countries, providing emergency services to the sufferers of drought, fire and flood, saving the lives of drowned people added with recovering dead bodies from the seas and floods, free rehabilitating the drug addicts, free tracing the missing people, free arranging marriages for the helpless girls and boys, providing free food, clothing and blankets to needy people.

Besides above, he also served the humanity by offering his services, by providing free technical education to needy people to make them self sufficient through the technical knowledge and skills, providing religious education to the children to make them the best human beings, providing consultancy on family planning and maternity services, providing free blood and plasma to the  people, providing free shelter, food and caring to mentally retarded people, caring by giving shelter and food to orphan and helpless children.

Services to humanity rendered by Abdul Sattar Edhi and his spouse Mrs. Bilquis Edhi never end here, he played his role in some more areas—such as; provided free legal aid to bail out the prisoners, financial and medical support to the prisoners, provided crutches and supporters to the handicapped people and gave exclusive free bathing and shrouding services to unclaimed dead bodies, so on and so forth. All these services are so much outstanding and exceptional that Edhi Foundation’s role can truly be attributed to an unprecedented example of services to the nation and country of Pakistan as well as humanity, across the globe.


  • Ambulance Service
  • Hospitals
  • Child Adoption Center & Childcare Services
  • Edhi Homes & Orphanage Centres
  • Educational Service

3. Shahid Afridi Foundation :

“Shahid Afridi Foundation”, founded in March 2014 by the famous cricketer Shahid Afridi also known as “Boom Boom” worldwide, was a step towards a better Pakistan. The organization was established in view of improving living conditions of poor and destitute members of the society.

The first project by the foundation, a hospital in Tangi Banda Village of Kohat called “Sahibzada Fazal Rehman Memorial and Charity Hospital” was developed successfully. The foundation has also worked on the water shortage issues in villages of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by fixing simple hand pumps. SAF gave scholarships to 12 deserving students of Farabi Government School in year 2014. To continue the tradition it shortlists candidates for scholarship. SAF also displayed support with Dar-ul-Sukun (Karachi) by undertaking the special children ward financially on 16th October 2015.

Shahid Afridi Foundation (SAF) is committed to changing the lives of people, however whatever we do would be incomplete without your love and support. The foundation works like a family, a family dedicated to providing better healthcare, education and clean drinking water to every member of society and become a ray of hope for children, youngsters and adults alike.

Vision & Mission :

We aspire to transform lives with an ocean of love, happiness and prosperity for the underprivileged people in Pakistan and across the globe.

Hope not out!

To spread education and health services across every corner of Pakistan and work on world peace via sports diplomacy and humanitarian aid enabling ethical, moral and intellectual enlightenment.

Services in Health Sector :

-> Sahibzada Fazal Rehman Charity Hospital :

The hospital is equipped with all major machineries and facilities, completed with 16 beds,4 full-time doctors along with other part-time specialists, the hospital is providing free primary healthcare facilities to the poor and ailing community since hospital started its operations in March 2014.

According to a SAF Lady Doctor “With the help of organizations such as Shahid Afridi Foundation; quick, easy and affordable access to basic healthcare has been made possible, helping women practice mother and child care, pre and post-pregnancy, plus dealing with ailments of the elderly.”

-> Thar Hospital :

SAF has collaborated with Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company and Indus Hospital to build a 250 Bed State-of-the-Art Hospital in Islamkot area of Thar region of Sindh. SAF is focusing on the health of mother & child, the construction cost of mother & child block will be born by SAF and it will be named as Shahid Afridi Foundation Mother & Child Block.

Access to proper, affordable healthcare has been a serious concern within Tharparker, with major issues regarding childbirth, plaguing the people on a yearly basis, resulting in high infant and maternal mortality rates. This brought our attention to the need for awareness along with a viable healthcare outlet for the benefit of these people, the Foundation in collaboration with Thar Foundation was able to improve the existing situation by establishing a hospital in that region.

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Pakistan’s healthcare sector needs a major reformation, because it is crippled and unfit to deliver the healthcare needs of 200 million Pakistanis.

According to JPMS, an online Journal led by Pakistani medical students, the existing healthcare infrastructure is actually impressive which consists of 5,349 Basic Health Units (BHU), 562 Rural Health Centers (RHCs), 4755 dispensaries, and 945 hospitals, 903 maternal child health centers (MCHs) and 290 TB Centers across the country. It is however surprising those poor patients do not receive proper healthcare or medication on time, because these infrastructures are of no use as they are not backed by functional and useful resources.

Again the Pakistani healthcare is encountering a lack of specialists and female physicians crippling the medical services for the public badly.

According to PMDC statistics, there are 135,923 registered general physicians in Pakistan; 46% are females, and 29,487 specialists, with 73% being males. In dentistry, there are 12,782 dentists, with 38% being males, and 1,077 specialists comprising 72% males. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 1 doctor for 1,000 populations. In Pakistan, the average ratio is 8.1 physicians per 10,000 people.

All these existing issues in our health care system need time to get fixed permanently, but till then we should think of alternative ways to help the poor patients so that they can get relief from sickness and pain.

Meantime, we need to rely on Humanitarian organizations that are committed to prevent and alleviate the sufferings of the poor patients at the time of emergencies. Humanitarian organizations work to protect life and health and assure respect for every individual.

Humanitarian organizations show greater humanitarian concerns for everyone and act in greater compassion to prevent premature deaths. They ensure treatments and surgeries for poor men, women and children for free of cost, to relieve their agony and discomfort and enable them to live their lives in a holistic manner.



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