List of Top 3 NGOs Organizing Medical Camps in Pakistan

List of Top 3 NGOs Organizing Medical Camps in Pakistan

List of Top 3 NGOs Organizing Medical Camps in Pakistan

“Healthcare is not a privilege. It’s a right. It’s a right as fundamental as civil rights. It’s a right as giving every child a chance to get a public education.”

                                                                                                                                       -Rob Blagojevich

NGOs are committed to render  better services to the society and its unprivileged population in destitute no matter how they are often misjudged or questioned by some pessimistic people who think it’s almost impossible to bring positive changes in our society.

NGOs act as the silent guardian of our society advocating for the rights of the most isolated and abandoned populations. Pakistani NGOs are working tirelessly to improve the public healthcare system of this country.

Pakistan’s healthcare system is not welfare oriented and the quality of its services isdeteriorating each day. Even if you go to a public hospital in Pakistan you will be required to pay out of your pocket for all the medical facilities and medicines. In the private hospitals, the cost of these facilities and medications are so high that the poor people would prefer to die in silence instead of getting admitted in one of them.

Unfortunately, the healthcare provided to the Pakistani population is inadequate and does not ensure the quality of life for all. Keeping these circumstances in  mind some NGOs took the initiative to organize free medical camps across the country so that the poor patients can attend these camps to get treatment and medication.

The medical camps are staffed by healthcare providers like physicians, nurses, pharmacists, phlebotomist, supervisors, patient registration persons, and volunteers. Free medicines are prescribed by doctors and these are distributed amongst the poor patients. Free sugar and blood tests facilities arealso given to the needy patients’.Often these camps provide X-ray & Medical Laboratory Tests to economically challenged people at free of cost. Thus people get relief from paying heavy hospital bills.

The poor have developed the mentality to consider their basic need to receive medical facilities as too much to demand from the society. Our constant negligence has compelled them to compromise with their own human rights.

The healthcare system of a country is likely to fail when a doctor fails to treat an illness which is curable. NGOs are now working to fix our healthcare system and restore hope for the poor population through these medical camps. Medical camps allow the poor patients to march towards a world free from diseases, sickness, ignorance,and exploitation.

List of Top 3 NGOs Organizing Medical Camps in Pakistan

1 – Transparent Hands

2 – Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital

3 – Edhi Foundation

1- Transparent Hands

Quick and Easy Way to Save Peoples’ Lives

Transparent Hands is in first position in our List of Top 3 NGOs Organizing Medical Camps in Pakistan. Transparent Hands funds surgeries of poor patients using a global Crowdfunding platform. The platform provides visibility of poor patients and builds a personal and trusted bond between patients and donors while ensuring complete transparency.

Where Is the Problem?

More than 70 million people in Pakistan are living below the poverty line due to which they are unable to undergo proper health treatment if they experience any disease. Estimated amount of surgery backlog in Pakistan is in millions every year.

  • There are not many health insurance plans for underprivileged community. They have to pay out of pocket if they need any medical treatment but due to the limited or no resources, majority is unable to undergo surgical treatment.
  • Beyond the cost of the surgical procedure, they might have to pay for pre and post-operative expenses which includes medical tests, medications, hospital stay and other expenses. It is almost impossible for someone who earns less than $2 a day to pay hefty amount for medical relief.
  • There is lack of advanced medical facilities and medical professionals due to which lower middle class families are unable to avail treatment facilities.
  • There are a limited number of beds in hospitals but the number of patients visiting these hospitals is a lot more.
  • Every second patient including a child is put on a long waiting list and during the waiting period, the patient’s health further deteriorates. In most of the cases, patients expire until their turn comes.
  • There is no advanced healthcare services in slums due to which majority of people have to rely on quacks in their areas.
  • Private hospitals are out of reach for deprived community due to the high costs of consultation fees and surgical procedure.

-> Free Medical Camps in Pakistan

Our Role

  • Committed to Provide Free Surgeries to Those Who Cannot Afford

Transparent Hands is a non-profit organization which is tackling this major healthcare issue of Pakistan with the help of fundraising through its unique Crowdfunding platform. It is registered under Trust Act 1882 as a Trust Organization with a Tax Exemption status under the article 2(36) in Pakistan. Transparent Hands is  registered in USA EIN assigned: 47-3564801 as Transparent Hands Foundation US, Inc. with tax exemption status 501(c)3.

Transparent Hands conducts the surgeries of deserving patients free of cost at private hospitals with the help of donations and charity. Donors from all over the world can use our online Crowdfunding web portal if they wish to donate. They could select any patient, fund the surgery and receive regular feedback and updates until the patient is recovered completely.

Download our TransparentHands Andriod Application for Online Donation

Download our TransparentHands Andriod Application for Online Donation

Our user friendly online fundraising work as follows:

  • Choose the patient whose surgery you want to fund.  
  • Choose from a number of payment methods as per your convenience.
  • Donate to that particular patient and get tax exemption.
  • Get regular updates of that patient until he/she gets fully recovered.

What makes us unique is; our transparency level that means donors will be ensured that each penny they are giving will be spent on the needy patient. We do this by uploading all the hospital bills and other documents of our patient after his/her surgery is successfully conducted. Donor can see that the exact amount hospital has charged against the surgery of that particular patient.

2 – Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital:


Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital is in second position in our List of Top 3 NGOs Organizing Medical Camps in Pakistan. “To act as a model institution to alleviate the suffering of patients with cancer through the application of modern methods of curative and palliative therapy irrespective of their ability to pay, the education of health care professionals and the public and perform research into the causes and treatment of cancer.” Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre.

Donate any amount of your choice or be an official online fundraiser of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre by following these simple guide lines:

Step-1: Sign up

Step-2: Create your fundraising page

Step-3: Donate and pass it on to your friends If we all do a little, we can do a lot!.

Many young innocent lives are being saved at Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre. Last year, your Zakat made it possible to treat almost 75% of their patients for free. This year they need 5.5 billion rupees to help those who cannot afford to pay for their own treatment. While the revenue from the Hospital’s diagnostic services has always, and continues to be, utilised for their expansion projects, it is your Zakat that is the hope of life for their poor cancer patients. Donate generously to SKMCH&RC this Ramadan and help us keep this hope alive. Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre


Their leadership brings together years of experience and expertise with the mission of fighting cancer and unprecedented commitment to patient care, education, and research.

Clinical Services

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre offers a complete range of health care services. Find a clinical service below by searching their Departments.

1-  Anaesthesiology

Anesthesia Department at Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre provides anesthesia to a wide variety of surgical patients inside the four operating rooms.

Facilities & Services

Anesthesia is also provided in MRI suit, where a state of the art MRI compatible anesthesia machine and monitoring is used for safe conduct of the diagnostic test. Sedation and anesthesia is provided in Endoscopy unit for either Gastro-esophageal or pulmonary interventions. Sedation and anesthesia is also provided for vascular coiling and for neuro-interventional radiology. Other areas for activity are sedation for Radiation simulations in children in the dept. of Radiation Oncology. Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre.

Their practice is as wide based as are the demands for anesthesia requirements in different specialties and varied locations through out the hospital. The dept. is well equipped with the latest tools to safely conduct anesthesia and sedation. Operating rooms are equipped with most modern anesthesia machines with availabity of  invasive monitoring, they are in the process to updating  all the older equipment in the operating rooms and the PACU ( post anesthesia care unit) to  the most modern equipment available.

Wide variety of interventional pain procedures including Radiofrequency Nerve and Joint Ablations as well as permanent neurolysis for cancer pain are routinely performed. Interventional Pain Service with dedicated pain nurse provides a wide variety of solutions to patients in sever pain.

Projects of SKMT

The Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust realises its responsibilities in the fight against cancer and therefore, it has established a number of centres all over Pakistan that help in the awareness, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer in Pakistan. Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre


  • Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre (Lahore, Pakistan), the first specialised cancer facility in the entire region with all the cancer diagnostic and therapeutic facilities under one roof, inaugurated on December 29, 1994.
  • Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre (Peshawar, Pakistan), built according to the latest international healthcare standards, inaugurated on December 29, 2015.
  • Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre (Karachi, Pakistan) Land Awarded, Planning in progress

Outreach Cancer Screening Clinics

  • Shaukat Khanum Walk-In Clinic (Karachi, Pakistan)  
  • Shaukat Khanum Walk-In Clinic (Peshawar, Pakistan)
  • Shaukat Khanum Walk-In Clinic (Lahore, Pakistan)
  • Shaukat Khanum Walk-In Clinic (Multan, Pakistan)

Diagnostic Centres

  • Shaukat Khanum Diagnostic Centre (Lahore, Pakistan)
  • Karachi Diagnostic Centre and Clinic (Karachi, Pakistan)

Their Services

As one of the largest cancer care centres in Pakistan, Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre offers a complete range of health care services including clinical, diagnostic, out-patient, and others.

3 – Edhi Foundation:

About Edhi Foundation

Edhi Foundation is in third position in our List of Top 3 NGOs Organizing Medical Camps in Pakistan. Edhi Foundation is the single best foundation across Pakistan and one of the best social welfare service providers across the world running on non-commercial, non-political, and non-communal basis, serving round-the-clock without any discrimination of color, class, and creed is enjoying exclusive credentials in the shape of awards and shields conferred upon Mr. Abdul Sattar Edhi and Mrs. Bilquis Edhi by governmental and non-governmental organizations on national and international level for rendering their exemplary services to humanity in multidimensional fields. Edhi Foundation – A Non Profit welfare Organization.

The diversified fields in which Abdul Sattar Edhi played his greatest role for; saving the lives of thousands of newborn babies by placing the cradles outside the Edhi centres, fostering the abandoned babies and children, free nurturing disabled and handicapped people, free caring and feeding women and elderly people who were subjected to torture or neglected by their families, free supporting to ailing patients by providing free medication and medicines through his mobile dispensaries, hospitals, and the diabetic centre at Karachi.

In addition to above, he offered his services in many other areas—like providing land, air, and marine ambulance services during accidents to shift patients to hospitals, national and international relief and aid assistance to the affectees of natural debacles, providing relief aid to refugees in various countries, providing emergency services to the sufferers of drought, fire, and flood, saving the lives of drowned people added with recovering dead bodies from the seas and floods, free rehabilitating the drug addicts, free tracing the missing people, free arranging marriages for the helpless girls and boys, providing free food, clothing, and blankets to needy people.

Besides above, he also served the humanity by offering his services by, providing free technical education to needy people to make them self sufficient through the technical knowledge and skills, providing religious education to the children to make them the best human beings, providing consultancy on family planning and maternity services, providing free blood and plasma to the disadvantaged people, providing free shelter, food, and caring to mentally retarded people, caring by giving shelter and food to orphan and helpless children.

Services to humanity rendered by Abdul Sattar Edhi and his spouse Mrs. Bilquis Edhi never end here, he played his role in some more areas—such as; provided free legal aid to bail out or the prisoners from the prisons, financial and medical support to the prisoners, provided crutches and supporters to the handicapped people, and gave exclusive free bathing and shrouding services to unclaimed dead bodies, so on and so forth. All these services are so much outstanding and exceptional that Edhi Foundation’s role can truly be attributed to an unprecedented example of services to the nation and country of Pakistan as well as humanity, across the globe.

Edhi Foundation – A Non Profit welfare Organization


  • Ambulance Service
  • Hospitals
  • Child Adoption Center & Childcare Services
  • Edhi Homes & Orphanage Centres
  • Educational Service

Ambulance Service

Edhi Land Ambulance Service was initially started by including a second hand Hillman Pickup Truck and that was refurbished into the first ambulance, thereby coining “Poor Patient Ambulance”. Now sixty years after, the Edhi ambulance has reached to the stage of largest fleet of ambulances in the world, thereby providing with a tantalizing number of ambulances—such as 1800 vehicles, all over their country – Pakistan.

Child Adoption Center & Childcare Services

The history of establishing the Edhi child adoption centre and childcare services dates back to 1949. Mrs. Bilquis Edhi is supervising and looking after the caring and feeding of babies and children. For this purpose, exclusive cradles have been placed outside all Edhi Centres, across the country with a view to keep the abandoned and illegitimate babies in these cradles.

Mostly these abandoned newborn babies are provided to the childless couples, who in accordance with their own policies, after ensuring that they are fully deserved and exactly suitable for this noble cause. Bilquis Edhi, after completely going through the background of the couples, and undertaking a rigorous screening process she decides that the couple or the family is precisely suitable for the baby adoption.

On annual basis, Edhi Foundation is giving over 250 babies or children for adoption.  Till to date, over 23,320 babies and children have been provided to the childless couples and families.


Healthcare is one of the basic human rights yet it has been treated as one of the mere commodities in our society. Depending on the patient’s illness a family is compelled to pay hefty prices for medicines, diagnosis and other hospital services.

However costly it may seem the rich people manage to ensure the basic healthcarefacilities for themselves because they have the strength to buy the commodities offered in luxurious hospitals. While the poor are financially unstable they do not go to the hospital even when they are living with deteriorating health conditions over a prolonged period of time. The poor have this mindset that they are destined to suffer throughout  their lives and someday get doomed.

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Most of us remain a silent spectator to the sufferings of the poor. We simply do not care about their miseries because it’s not happening to us and we are fully contending with our lives. We cannot let anyone die just because he or she does not have the ability to support their treatments or medications. So NGOs have  to come forward and take the responsibility to give relief to the poor at the time of sickness and pain.

NGOs are organizing medical camps frequently to ensure that each individual gets proper medical facilities and medications which are their human rights. Medical camps are organized to provide basic healthcare services for all so that no life is lost without proper treatment.

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