List of Top 3 Non-Profit Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan

Healthcare is not a luxury but essential for survival in this world and is needed to be able to live a decent and autonomous life. Hence, healthcare should be kept free from all sorts of corruption and bureaucracies and no price tags should be offered on medical facilities. List of Top 3 Non-Profit Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan
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We like to claim ourselves as a stronger sovereign nation but our clamors will be justified when every individual is getting free medical care, diagnosis, and surgeries without becoming bankrupt because it is the duty of a sovereign country to ensure that all the basic elements like food, healthcare, education and shelter are easily accessible to all.
In a civilized nation, no one should die due to the lack of medical assistance just because he is poor. A civilized nation must value the dignity of human lives and human rights, and view every human being to be equal.
Healthcare is a very basic need of humanity, so it is important that we keep this sector free of venomous and greedy people, who are trying to convert it into a commercial business to derive profits for themselves.
We cannot leave the poor patients to suffer in the hands of malignant fate and have them dying on the streets for lack of proper treatment. We must assist the nonprofit organizations so that the poor patients can be given immediate relief from their physical discomfort and mental agony.
Charitable organizations have contributed their part for the welfare of humanity to bring positive change in our healthcare system. Now it is our turn to think what value we can add to these organizations and how our financial aid can actually console the grieving hearts, heal their physical agony and lit a ray of hope for millions of poor patients.
Our donation to nonprofits and medical trusts will give millions of poor patients, the chance to live their lives free of diseases and sufferings. Our financial aid can help them undergo treatments and get their surgeries done for permanent relief.
Let us donate generously to lighten the burdens of the unfortunate people. Let us give today and give with great love.
Here we have enlisted “Top 3 Non-Profit Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan”:
List of Top 3 Non-Profit Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan
1. Transparent Hands
2. Fatimid Foundation
3. Al-Mustafa Welfare Society
1. Transparent Hands:
“Transparent Hands” provides free medical and surgical treatment facility to the deserving patients across Pakistan in private hospitals. It also sets up free medical camps in rural areas of the country in which free consultation, free medicines and free diagnostic tests facility is given to the needy patients and their families. Donors from all over the world can use our online Crowdfunding web portal and donate through 100% secure payment modes. They could select any patient, fund the treatment and receive regular feedback and updates until the patient is recovered completely.
Our User Friendly Online Fundraising Work as Follows:
- Choose the medical project that you want to fund.
- Choose from a number of payment methods as per your convenience.
- Donate for that particular project and get tax exemption.
- Get regular updates of the patient until he/she gets fully recovered.
What makes us unique is; our transparency level that means donors will be ensured that each penny they are giving will be spent on the needy patient. We do this by uploading all the hospital bills and other documents of our patient, after his/her surgery is successfully conducted or he/she undergoes complete treatment of the disease. Donor can see that the exact amount hospital has charged against the treatment of that particular patient.
Why Donate to Us?
- You want to save the lives of people by donating for their medical/surgical treatment.
- You want to sponsor a medical camp in remote area of Pakistan which could provide free treatment to hundreds of patients and their families.
- You need complete transparency of where your donation/charity is going.
Donors can completely put their trust in us regarding their donations and charity. There are many people in Pakistan and all over the world who wish to spend their money on non-profit charity organizations, but they are unsure about the cause to which they should donate. In order to ensure complete transparency, Transparent Hands uploads all the documents with the patients’ success stories so the donors can see that their money is spent on a right cause.
Download our TransparentHands iPhone Application for Online Donation
2. Fatimid Foundation :
“Fatimid Foundation” was established as a Non Profit Organisation by late Mr. Nazim Jiwa in 1978 in Karachi. The major aim of establishing this Organisation was to provide cost free blood/blood components to patients suffering from various chronic blood disorders, requiring blood/blood component therapy as an essential part of their treatment.
Vision :
- To maintain and project Fatimid Foundation on the world map.
- To strengthen our leading position in thalassaemia management.
- To shape the blood banking and haematological sector by integrating test results and medical information.
- To provide awareness and prevention of thalassaemia in Pakistan so as to support decision makers and superior patient management.
Mission :
- To provide first class quality blood banking and haematological services safely & competitively to mustahiq patients and the community at large.
- To ensure the use of FDA/CE approved high quality material and equipments for the treatment of thalassaemia, haemophilia and other genetic blood disorders.
- To achieve managerial & technical excellence in the field of blood banking & haematological services.
- To engage professional manpower in the field of blood banking and haematological services.
- To provide in house and off site training and development to staff in all functional areas.
- To ensure complete transparency, good governance and management practices as a non profit organisation.
Help Fatimid in Saving a Life :
There is no substitute for blood and there is no cause nobler than donating blood to save a life.
The modern concept is to use components of blood according to specific indication as such one unit of blood donation can save three lives rather than one.
It is an established medical fact that blood donation activates the blood making system in the body and as such makes fresh and healthier blood. Since ancient times, physicians advised persons to bleed, which was considered a cure for many diseases and ailments. Modern medical research confirms that regular blood donors are less susceptible to heart attacks. Blood donors are also more active physically and mentally.
The blood of the donor is fully screened for deadly and fast spreading Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, Syphilis and Malarial parasite. The blood donor gets a report of his / her screened blood and group.
3. Al-Mustafa Welfare Society :
“Al-Mustafa Welfare Society” is one of the most reputable non-profit welfare organizations in Pakistan ,working for the social development and providing relief to low income group since 1983. It is run by a team of highly motivated intellectuals and social workers comprising of Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Business Executives and Representatives of various fields of life. Al-Mustafa’s branches are working all over the country from Kashmir to Karachi. They are providing Healthcare, Education, Public Awareness and Emergency Relief Services. Al-Mustafa is serving thousands of poor and needy people on daily basis through its Medical Centers, Clinics, Schools, Mosques, Madarsahas, Orphanage, Vocational Training Centers and Skill Development Centers all over the country.
Free Medical Camps:
Al-Mustafa Welfare Society regularly organizes Free Medical Camps all over Pakistan, in areas where people can’t even afford their routine check-up. Free Medicines are also provided to the patients in Free Medical Camps. There are different types of Free Medical Camps as follows:
General Free Medical Camp :
In General Free Medical Camp, General Physician does check-up of patients and they are provided with the prescribed medicines. Some investigations as also done such as sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and BMI etc.
Emergency Medical Camp :
Emergency Medical Camps are organized whenever any disaster occurs anywhere like Earthquake 2005, Flood 2010, 2011 ,2012.
Free Eye Surgeries Camp :
In Free Eye Camps, Eye Specialist does check-up of patients and they are provided with prescribed medicines. In these camps, many Cataract cases are found and Cataract Surgeries are performed free of cost.
Free Cleft Lip Palate Camp :
In Cleft Lip & Palate Camp, Plastic Surgeons does check-up of the patients who have problem of Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate and their surgeries are performed free of cost.
Download our Transparenthands Andriod Application for Online Donation
Every human being has the right to live in good health, thus healthcare should be provided to them for free.
Healthcare is a sensitive issue which can draw a line between an individual’s life and death. If a severely injured patient is given emergency treatment immediately his life could be saved. If the patient is denied medical care on time then this can deteriorate his health further, eventually leading to his untimely death.
Unfortunately, everything comes with a price tag in this world so does medical facilities and treatment.
At present, the aim of private hospitals and some dishonest doctors is to make money from this sector instead of giving relief to the patients. They are more concerned about making profits than about the value of human life. They are more interested in generating higher revenues from their business instead of providing unconditional service to humanity.
Nonprofits and medical trusts have come forward to fill the void in our healthcare system and are working to ensure that the poor patients are getting diagnosis, medicines, basic healthcare and surgeries for free.
Nonprofits and medical trusts are also advocating for the healthcare rights of poor patients in order to bring equality in this sector.
We are born human so it is important that we actually learn to live that way. Our compassionate acts can make this world a better place to live in. Let us give to empower the powerless and to provide them a fair chance to live.
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