List of Top 3 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Pakistan

List of Top 3 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Pakistan

List of Top 3 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Pakistan

Islam is a religion that preaches fairness in every aspect of life. Thus it forbids the accumulation of wealth, only in the hands of a few people in the society when others are suffering every moment for the want of money. List of Top 3 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Pakistan  

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Islam has made alms giving compulsory, to ensure that wealth is circulated fairly within the society and the poor can get a chance to overcome their financial struggles permanently. This is the reason we can see that Muslims are asked to establish Zakat right after five times compulsory Salat.

By giving Zakat we can care for the poor and needy who are homeless, hungry and living a demeaning life. Through Zakat we can establish social justice and compassion for the fellow human beings, who are forgotten and unloved.

 Quran has also mentioned about the 8 categories under which various beneficiaries are eligible to receive Zakat. Under the category “Fi-Sabeelillah”, Zakat can also be paid to people or organizations that are doing good deeds to seek the blessings and pleasure of Allah.

Therefore, it is also permissible for the rich to donate their Zakat amount to charitable organizations, that are working tirelessly to uplift humanity every day.

Here we have enlisted top 3 Zakat accepting organizations in Pakistan where you can donate your Zakat money to fulfill your religious, spiritual and social duties.

List of Top 3 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Pakistan

1. Transparent Hands

2. Edhi Foundation

3. Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital 

1. Transparent Hands:

“Transparent Hands” is a trust organization and the online Crowdfunding platform in health sector of Pakistan, which is striving to provide the best surgical treatment to thousands of underprivileged patients. Transparent Hands uses its web portal, to connect billions of donors around the world to help in funding the surgeries of poor patients. It also ensures to provide transparent funding system to the donors. Donors are ensured that each penny they donate, will be spent on the needy patient’s surgery and this is done through the hospital bills which are uploaded on Transparent Hand’s web portal.

Download our TransparentHands iPhone Application for Online DonationDownload-our-TransparentHands-iPhone-Application-for-Online-Donation2-Edhi Foundation:

“Edhi Foundation” is the best foundation across Pakistan, and one of the best social welfare service providers across the world running on non-commercial, non-political and non-communal basis, serving round-the-clock without any discrimination of color, class and creed is enjoying exclusive credentials in the shape of awards and shields conferred upon Mr. Abdul Sattar Edhi and Mrs. Bilquis Edhi by governmental and non-governmental organizations, on national and international level for rendering their exemplary services to humanity in multidimensional fields.

The diversified fields in which Abdul Sattar Edhi played his greatest role for; saving the lives of thousands of newborn babies by placing the cradles outside the Edhi centres, fostering the abandoned babies and children, free nurturing disabled and handicapped people, free caring and feeding women and elderly people who were subjected to torture or neglected by their families, free supporting to ailing patients by providing free medication and medicines through his mobile dispensaries, hospitals and the diabetic center.

3-Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital:

“Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital” is one of the largest charity organizations of Pakistan established by Imran Khan. Imran Khan, after touching the heights of popularity through his great career in cricket, and now also in politics, holds great concern for people suffering from this deadly disease. This historic hospital was the only healthcare provider for the cancer patients at the time of its establishment. With its successful operation in Lahore and Peshawar, Shaukat Khanam Cancer Hospital employs the modern technology and advanced machinery, for the detection and treatment of various types of cancer. The formation grips the services of qualified doctors serving the people, who are unable to afford the cure of cancer. The hospital does not charge a single penny, and turns the infected individuals towards better life from the death edge.

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Zakat is the best way to purify the wealth and soul of the givers. It saves the giver from immorality and wrongdoings. It frees the heart of the Muslims from vices like misery and greed. Allah has also promised to forgive the Zakat giver from his sins just for performing this generous act.

Zakat can reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. If the rich share their bounties and blessings with the poor population, it can help to remove envy and jealousy from their hearts.

Zakat can also help us to build a peaceful society where no one would have to suffer due to poverty.

In this sense, Zakat can be a powerful tool which the rich can use to contribute to the sustainable development of the Pakistani poor communities, and uplift the country’s economy.

Pakistan is the land which belongs to the world’s second largest Muslim community and it is also the sixth most populous country around the globe. According to the 2017 published report of Social Policy and Development Network, 38% of Pakistanis are living in poverty.

The same journal has also reported about 51% of people living in low-income families, who are standing on the verge of falling into poverty.

In Pakistan, many religious and generous people give Zakat which can make up 1.6 % to 4.4 % of the national GDP, as reported by Global Findex. This is definitely a good sign that the rich and wealthy people are already doing their best to contribute to the sustainable development of the country.

If you take a closer look at the present situation of our country, the contribution that we are making isn’t enough compared to the vast demands and necessities of the 40 million Pakistanis living under the poverty line.

Zakat provides an enormous potential to reduce poverty and help the vulnerable community to rise up. Those who are already giving Zakat should continue practicing the mandatory act. The people who aren’t giving it now should consider their religious and spiritual duties and can begin to perform Zakat from this year.

Islam has always given priority to the protection of human life and as good Muslims, it is our sacred duty to come forward and save as many lives as possible.


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