List of Top 3 Zakat Accepting Organizations in UK

List of Top 3 Zakat Accepting Organizations in UK

List of Top 3 Zakat Accepting Organizations in UK

Islam is a religion that has urged the Muslims to give compulsory alms, in order to seek the mercy of Allah and to uplift humanity. List of Top 3 Zakat Accepting Organizations in the UK

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Every Individual in Islam has to seek completeness individually on his own, and without giving Zakat one cannot wish to be called a complete and righteous Muslim. Muslim must accept the five pillars of Islam even before he can call himself a follower of this religion and Zakat is one of those. 

Nowadays, we see many Muslims putting away their obligatory Islamic duties for the future. They think they have enough time in their hands to do good deeds in their old age. Similarly, many Muslims believe they can give Zakat and Sadqah later in their lives.

The harmful consequences of postponing the time of giving Zakat have been beautifully explained in the following Hadith by Abu Huraira:

“One day a man came to our beloved Prophet (SA) and asked him, “O Allah’s Apostle! Which charity is the most superior in reward?”

The Prophet (SA) gave it a thought and replied, “The charity which you practice while you are healthy, niggardly and afraid of poverty and wish to become wealthy. Do not delay it to the time of approaching death and then say, ‘Give so much to such and such when it has already become too late.” – (Volume 2, Book 24, and Number 500)

It is clearly indicated in the above mentioned Hadith, that one should never fear about the reduction of his wealth while giving Zakat. Zakat is known to purify one’s wealth as well as increase it.

Our Zakat donations can bring more fruitful results and can create a greater impact, when it is given to a Zakat accepting organization to support a single welfare cause.

Let us donate our Zakat money to deserving welfare and charitable organizations for the sake of Islam and humanity. Here is a list of Top 3 Zakat Accepting Organizations in the UK that are reliable and trustworthy.

List of Top 3 Zakat Accepting Organizations in UK

1. Transparent Hands

2. National Zakat Foundation 

3. Muslim Hands

1. Transparent Hands:

Committed to Provide Free Surgeries to Those Who Cannot Afford :

“Transparent Hands” is a non-profit organization, which is tackling this major healthcare issue of Pakistan with the help of fundraising through its unique Crowdfunding platform. Transparent Hands conducts the surgeries of deserving patients free of cost at private hospitals, with the help of donations and charity. Donors from all over the world can use our online Crowdfunding web portal if they wish to donate. You can select any patient, fund the surgery and receive regular feedback and updates, until the patient is recovered completely.

Our User Friendly Online Fundraising Work As Follows :

  • Choose the patient whose surgery you want to fund.
  • Choose from a number of payment methods as per your convenience.
  • Donate to that particular patient and get tax exemption.
  • Get regular updates of that patient until he/she gets fully recovered.

Why Donate to Us?

  • You want to save the lives of people by donating for their surgical treatment.
  • You need complete transparency of where your donation/charity is going.

Donors can completely put their trust in us regarding their donations and charity. There are many people in Pakistan and all over the world, who wish to spend their money on trust organizations, but we are unsure about to whom we should donate. In order to ensure complete transparency, Transparent Hands uploads all the documents with the patient’s success stories, so the donors can see that their money is spent on a right cause.

Download our TransparentHands iPhone Application for Online DonationDownload-our-TransparentHands-iPhone-Application-for-Online-Donation

2. National Zakat Foundation :

“National Zakat Foundation (NZF)” seeks to revive and uphold the third pillar of Zakat. NZF’s mission is to distribute Zakat transformatively within the United Kingdom.

Our vision is for Islam to flourish in society as a source of prosperity and harmony for all.

Muslims are people who choose to devote themselves to God completely. We believe the strongest foundation for happiness in this life and the next lies in this relationship of devotion (Islam) between the human and Divine. There are five core obligations or pillars: bearing witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad was final messenger of God, prayer, Zakat, fasting and pilgrimage. The overarching purpose of all the core obligations is to enable devotion to God (Islam) to flourish, individually and collectively.

What is Zakat ? 

In the Arabic language, Zakat means growth, blessings, purification and development. Zakat requires Muslims to pay 2.5% of their qualifying wealth on an annual basis. It provides an opportunity for the payer to fulfil their duty to God by making a financial commitment. It also provides an opportunity to help the poor. 

UK’s Zakat Focused Organisation :

National Zakat Foundation (NZF) collect Zakat payments from UK Muslims and distribute them transformatively within the UK.

We believe your Zakat should be distributed effectively, so your payment provides long-term benefit for Islam and Muslims in the UK.

Since 2011, we’ve distributed £10 million to help over 10,000 people in this country.

We use your Zakat to empower individuals in poverty, as well as to fund leadership development that benefits Islam and UK Muslims.

You Can Trust Us :

We’re committed to ensuring our Zakat distribution is legally sound, purposeful and effective. That’s why we have a Strategy, Policy and Research team that consults a wide range of expert advisers, including scholars, researchers and practitioners.

We’re frequently audited by a leading auditor, and our audits always come back clean.

3. Muslim Hands :

“Muslim Hands” is an international Non-governmental organization, in over forty countries worldwide to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. The organization was established in 1993 in Nottingham, UK.

Our Areas of Work :

We’re dedicated to serving the most vulnerable people across the world, by addressing the root causes of poverty and empowering communities. From addressing short-term needs to tackling long term issues, Muslim Hands works to alleviate poverty through a range of varied and important areas.

Humanitarian focus :

Muslim Hands has three main points of focus:

-> Development work, which tries to lift communities out of poverty with long-term sustainable -solutions based on their needs.

-> Humanitarian work, assisting those immediately affected by conflict and natural disaster.

-> Community welfare and development facilitating and developing local community-based projects in the UK.

Locations :

Muslim Hands works in over 50 of the world’s poorest countries and has offices in London and Nottingham in the UK, with global headquarters in France, Canada and South Africa. Ground-level aid is provided by staff and offices in regions including Malawi, Niger, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Palestine, China and South East Asia.

Giving Your Zakat : 

Zakat, meaning to purify, it is the third pillar of Islam.

At Muslim Hands we take the responsibility of handling Zakat extremely seriously. We understand that paying Zakat is not simply an act of charity – it’s an act of worship. With our dedicated Zakat service, your donation will reach those most in need, both quickly and securely.

Our range of online resources will help you calculate and decide how best to spend your Zakat through one of our many Zakat eligible programmes. Our projects include providing communities with clean water, enabling orphans to go to school and feeding families in need. 

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Zakat is a spiritual act and a demonstration of faith of a good Muslim. By giving Zakat the rich and wealthy Muslims cements the fact, that their wealth was not acquired by themselves but was bestowed upon them by the Almighty.

Zakat is also a social giving which is made compulsory upon the rich Muslims to ensure the redistribution of wealth among the poor communities. It is also a thoughtful way of ensuring that every poor individual has enough money with themselves to fulfill their basic necessities.

Zakat can be given individually or through charitable organizations that accept Zakat donations to distribute it among the poor and needy. These organizations also use their Zakat collections to fund their charitable and welfare projects to address social issues.

Zakat accepting organizations collect the Zakat donations and make strategic planning to distribute the wealth within the poor localities. These organizations have the expertise, proper technology, clear geographical knowledge, and well-informed manpower to allocate the collected funds among the needy population properly.

 The Islamic society can turn into one big family if all the rich and wealthy Muslims come forward to donate their Zakat money, to a Zakat accepting organization for a greater cause. Their donation will be used to support the weak and the destitute and to ensure their decent and dignified living by providing them food, shelter, healthcare, education and social justice.

Zakat holds immense benefits for the giver as well. Allah has promised to do good for the rich giver who has done well towards his poor brothers. Thus, we should never stay behind while doing greater or smaller goods for our neighbors, the poor and needy people of our society.






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