List of Top 5 Humanitarian Organizations in Australia

List of Top 5 Humanitarian Organizations in Australia

List of Top 5 Humanitarian Organizations in Australia

“Our lives begin to end the day when we begin to become silent about things that matter.”

-Martin Luther King Jr.

Global humanitarian crisis has uprooted millions of lives with the catastrophic blow leaving this huge stream of mankind totally clueless about their future. Today our world and its people are suffering in silence. In countries like Nigeria, Somalia, Yemen, Burundi, Madagascar, Central African Republic humanitarian crisis have gone beyond tolerance. The prolonged hardships of manmade feminine, insurgencies, and effects of global climate change have become exhausting and tolerating this crisis is no longer possible.

According to the USA for UNHCR, 68.5 million individuals were forcibly displaced worldwide by the end of the year 2017 as a result of persecution, conflict, violence or human rights violations. These include 25.4 million refugees in the world migrating to another country, 40 million internally displaced people and 3.1 million asylum-seekers.

The reports provided to us are solely based on statistics so we can guess that the real picture of humanitarian crisis worldwide is more poignant and pathetic than it has been highlighted by the media or other institutions. In 2018, conflict, war and other man made crisises will be the main driver of humanitarian needs where emergency aid will be needed for millions of people.

Humanitarian Organizations are dealing with these issues trying hard to reduce the suffering of mankind and restore the respect for human lives. Humanitarian organizations usually provide humanitarian aid in the form of material and logistic assistance to the victims of natural and manmade crisis until the long-term help by government and other institutions reaches them. Humanitarian organizations are driven by strong moral and ethical values and take humanitarian actions in grim situations based on humanity. These organizations work for the homeless, refugees, victims of natural disasters, wars and famines.

We have the tendency to spend thousands of bucks for buying our own accessories, clothing and other valuable stuffs for pleasure without even giving a second thought but hesitate too much to spend for humanity. We think our small donations are negligible compared to these huge humanitarian crisises and continue to intellectualize these disasters for too long.

Every donation is valuable irrespective of its size or amount. So we should not waste our time in dilemma or hesitation when we are giving to support a noble and humane cause. We care about your hard earned money and we want to ensure that your valuable gift reaches the most reliable and active organizations. Here we have enlisted top 5 Australian humanitarian organizations you can consider to donate in the first place:

List of Top 5 Humanitarian Organizations in Australia

1 – Child and Family Focus SA (CAFFSA)

2 – Transparent Hands

3 – Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies (ACWA)

4 – ChildFund Australia

5 – Habitat for Humanity

1-Child and Family Focus SA (CAFFSA)


Child and Family Focus SA (CAFFSA) is in first position in our List of top 5 Humanitarian Organizations in Australia. It is the primary peak body for not for profit organisations who provide various forms of Out of Home Care [including Foster Care and Residential Care], Family Support and other child protection services. They represent small, medium and large community service organisations spread across South Australia in metropolitan and country locations and act in the interests of children, young people and their families. This is achieved through


Advocating for the wellbeing of children and families through research and public policy advice to enable positive reform and work with their member agencies to ensure children and families have access to the services and support they need.


Collaboration and co-design in planning and service delivery to stakeholders. Promoting effective partnerships with funders and with agencies who have complementary objectives, thereby providing a united voice for the sector.


Bringing about effective change that will strengthen the capacity of the community sector to improve the quality of life and achieve better outcomes for communities, families, children and young people, particularly those living in Out of Home Care.

2- Transparent Hands

Quick and Easy Way to Save Peoples’ Lives

Transparent Hands is in second position in our List of top 5 Humanitarian Organizations in Australia Transparent Hands funds surgeries of poor patients using a global Crowdfunding platform. The platform provides visibility of poor patients and builds a personal and trusted bond between patients and donors while ensuring complete transparency.

Where Is the Problem?

More than 70 million people in Pakistan are living below the poverty line due to which they are unable to undergo proper health treatment if they experience any disease. Estimated amount of surgery backlog in Pakistan is in millions every year.

  • There are not many health insurance plans for underprivileged community. They have to pay out of pocket if they need any medical treatment but due to the limited or no resources, majority is unable to undergo surgical treatment.
  • Beyond the cost of the surgical procedure, they might have to pay for pre and post-operative expenses which includes medical tests, medications, hospital stay and other expenses. It is almost impossible for someone who earns less than $2 a day to pay hefty amount for medical relief.
  • There is lack of advanced medical facilities and medical professionals due to which lower middle class families are unable to avail treatment facilities.
  • There are a limited number of beds in hospitals but the number of patients visiting these hospitals is a lot more.
  • Every second patient including a child is put on a long waiting list and during the waiting period, the patient’s health further deteriorates. In most of the cases, patients expire until their turn comes.
  • There is no advanced healthcare services in slums due to which majority of people have to rely on quacks in their areas.
  • Private hospitals are out of reach for deprived community due to the high costs of consultation fees and surgical procedure.

-> List of top 5 Welfare Organizations in Australia

List of top 5 Welfare Organizations in Australia

Our Role

  • Committed to Provide Free Surgeries to Those Who Cannot Afford

Transparent Hands is a non-profit organization which is tackling this major healthcare issue of Pakistan with the help of fundraising through its unique Crowdfunding platform. It is registered under Trust Act 1882 as a Trust Organization with a Tax Exemption status under the article 2(36) in Pakistan. Transparent Hands is  registered in USA EIN assigned: 47-3564801 as Transparent Hands Foundation US, Inc. with tax exemption status 501(c)3.

hospitals with the help of donations and charity. Donors from all over the world can use our online Crowdfunding web portal if they wish to donate. They could select any patient, fund the surgery and receive regular feedback and updates until the patient is recovered completely.

Our user friendly online fundraising work as follows:

  • Choose the patient whose surgery you want to fund.
  • Choose from a number of payment methods as per your convenience.
  • Donate to that particular patient and get tax exemption.
  • Get regular updates of that patient until he/she gets fully recovered.

What makes us unique is; our transparency level that means donors will be ensured that each penny they are giving will be spent on the needy patient. We do this by uploading all the hospital bills and other documents of our patient after his/her surgery is successfully conducted. Donor can see that the exact amount hospital has charged against the surgery of that particular patient.

3- Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies (ACWA)


The Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies (ACWA) is in third position in our List of top 5 Humanitarian Organizations in Australia. It has been representing the voice of NSW non-government community service organisations that deliver services to vulnerable children, young people and their families for more than 50 years. The peak body was founded in 1958 with the objectives of supporting non-government agencies and improving the quality of services to children and young people who need to live away from their families.

Today, ACWA supports a membership base of more than 100 agencies.


ACWA established the Centre for Community Welfare Training (CCWT) as its learning and development arm in 1987. CCWT provides cost effective and accessible training opportunities for people working across the community welfare sector in NSW and with vulnerable children, young people and families in particular.

In 1997, CCWT became a Registered Training Organisation able to deliver vocational qualifications under the Australian Quality Training Framework.

Since its inception CCWT has developed to now being the largest non-government training provider for the community services sector in NSW and is widely recognised as the industry’s professional development training provider.

The objective of CCWT is to deliver professional learning that transforms people and communities for a better society.

4 – ChildFund Australia


ChildFund Australia is in fourth position in our List of top 5 Humanitarian Organizations in Australia. It is an independent and non-religious international development organisation that works to reduce poverty for children in many of the world’s most disadvantaged communities.

It is a member of the ChildFund Alliance – one of the world’s oldest and most experienced child-focused development agencies. With a global network of 11 organisations, the ChildFund Alliance assists more than 14 million children and families in over 60 countries.

ChildFund Australia directly manages and implements programs in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste and Vietnam, while also supporting projects delivered by partner organisations throughout Asia, Africa and the Americas. Our work is funded through child and community sponsorship, as well as public donations and government grants.

They are committed to public accountability and transparency. Annually, their accounts in Australia are audited by independent consultants KPMG.

In addition, ChildFund Australia is fully accredited by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade which manages the Australian Government’s overseas aid program. Accreditation is a stringent process in which all operational activities – financial, managerial, fundraising and program – are analysed. This not only requires that ChildFund demonstrate that funds are distributed to community projects, but that they are spent effectively in those communities for the benefit of children.

ChildFund Australia is also a member of Accountable Now, a platform of international civil society organisations that strive to be transparent, responsive to stakeholders, and focused on delivering impact. As a member, ChildFund has signed 12 globally-agreed-upon Accountability Commitments and will report annually to an Independent Review Panel on otheir economic, environmental and social performance according to the Accountable Now reporting standards.


A global community, free from poverty, where children are protected and have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

How they work?

ChildFund Australia works in partnership with children, their communities and local organisations to create lasting change, respond to humanitarian emergencies and promote children’s rights.

Their organisational aims are also aligned with the Global Goals: to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and fix climate change. This also includes specific targets to reduce violence against children, which has been the cornerstone of ChildFund’s Free From Violence campaign.

In order to support these targets, ChildFund’s programs focus on promoting the participation of children in community life, strengthening their protection, and advancing their rights, so that all children, regardless of their birthplace, have access to the same essential opportunities.

5 – Habitat for Humanity


Habitat for Humanity Australia is in fifth position in our List of top 5 Humanitarian Organizations in Australia. It is part of Habitat for Humanity, an international not-for-profit which originated in Georgia, United States in 1976.

Habitat for Humanity began as a grassroots effort. The housing organisation has since grown to become a leading global non-profit working in more than 70 countries. Worldwide, Habitat has helped more than 13.2 million people obtain safe and decent housing, along with the strength, stability and independence to build better lives.

Through financial support, volunteering or adding a voice to support affordable housing, everyone can help families build a better tomorrow, today. Through shelter, they empower.


“A world where everyone has a safe and decent place to live.”


To demonstrate God’s love in action by mobilising partner families, volunteers and corporate partners to provide appropriate housing solutions in sustainable communities. At Habitat for Humanity Australia, they believe a decent home provides much more than bricks and mortar. It’s the foundation for the future, giving families the opportunity to be healthier, happier and more secure, and leads to stronger communities that can grow and sustain themselves.

Honorary Mention

6- Young Life Australia


Young Life Australia is in sixth position in our List of top 5 Humanitarian Organizations in Australia. It is both a community and a charity, an organism and not just an organisation. They are not a social welfare group, an early-intervention team or a reform service. They sometimes get calls from people trying to find this kind of help, but the strength of Young Life is in relational outreach- in which trust is developed and issues are indeed explored- they are not targeted specifically at “troubled” teens.

Though they are connected to plenty of struggling or hurting young people, they usually build  a relationship with them through meeting them in their school or local hangout, not through referral.  They can’t fix messed-up young people, but they can be supportive, compassionate leaders who come alongside ; aim to bring them hope and challenge them to choose well for their futures.

What they do?

Young Life Australia aims to bring about personal growth and positive outcomes in young people.

They seek to instill a sense of purpose and values in teenagers through instigating meaningful relationships with adult role models.

They are not a boot-camp or a behaviour modification program, in case you’ve come looking for that. They are simply local leaders coming alongside young people in our community, whatever their journey.

In many ways they’re like a coach with support staff, and their team members are often not that much older than the teens they positively interact with.

Young Life has a team of specialist field staffers and volunteers, committed group leaders and energetic helpers, all screened, resourced, and trained in youth focussed leadership, counselling, and mentor roles.

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They build self-esteem and confidence in teenagers, and provide practical advice as well as pastoral care, without judgement, in much the same way a School Chaplain might. In fact, a growing number of our YLA area leaders are School Chaplains as well.

Their people are highly motivated and thoroughly equipped to cope with just about any interaction situation. Someone is always available to help, guide, tutor, or simply just listen to the teenagers that they support. Any time of the day or night.


Humanitarian aid is provided to reduce the sufferings of human lives. Humanitarian organizations have become the most important institution of our global community providing emergency aid worldwide. Humanitarian organizations are working on numerous human issues i.e. healthcare, education, food and economic empowerment and rehabilitation of the refugees worldwide. These organizations are real fast and are effective in providing relief as they have clear knowledge and expertise in this field and have the ability to supply and serve the most endangered population of our world.

We cannot expect a change to take place or stop the violence against humanity unless we gather the courage to step forward and support these organizations working in the field. Individual contribution alone cannot bring effective change but a large and united contribution will certainly turn into a movement making significant differences. 

The United Nations has appealed for funding to help the victims of humanitarian crises but the gap between the required funding and the available amount is growing exponentially. Your small donation can enable a mother to feed her malnourished child in a refugee camp. Your small donation can help the relief team to provide shelters to the refugees and allow them to get a peaceful night’s sleep who would otherwise had to spend  their days on the streets. Your small donation can help the medical relief team to buy more medicines and other medical equipments to treat the terribly injured men, women and children in war.

A small contribution can add up to a big total when more people would be inspired to join hands with these humanitarian organizations crafting a path to a bigger change. Every human life is of inestimable value and humanitarian aid shouldn’t be delayed. So we should extend  our hands to save the victims of natural and manmade calamities.

 Giving is not about pity. Giving is about showing human kindness and it is a compassionate act to nurture the uncared, unloved and isolated ones. Sincere giving has the strength to uplift lives and induce a positive change in  our world.

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