List of Top 5 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Canada

List of Top 5 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Canada

List of Top 5 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Canada

“By no means shall you attain righteousness unless you give (freely) of that which you love; and whatever you give, of a truth Allah knoweth it well.”-The Holy Quran, (Chapter 3, verse 92) List of Top 5 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Canada

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The concept of Zakat in the Quran involves showing compassionate acts towards the poor, protecting the fundamental rights of the vulnerable and delivering social justice by sharing one’s wealth with them.

Zakat is given to correct the wrong doings of our society, and to fix the unjust treatment given to the poor by depriving them of food, shelter, healthcare and education.

Zakat instills a sense of righteousness within the hearts of the giver, as he learns the appropriate way of spending money both for himself and also for the welfare of the poor population.

Zakat helps us to distance ourselves from materialistic desires and help us to concentrate more on our worships and offerings. It reminds us that we are just mere trustees to our wealth that has been bestowed upon us by the Almighty Allah, and thereby we are bound to spend from it accordingly.

Zakat is ranked as the third most important pillar of Islam just after Salat. When Muslims offer Salat they build and strengthen their spiritual bond with Allah, and when they give Zakat they build a harmonious bond of humanity and brotherhood between the rich and the poor and bring social peace in the community.

We should give our fair share of Zakat to relieve the agony of the people who are struck by tragedies. Our timely Zakat can save a life but denying in giving it can compel a needy to live in a miserable financial and mental condition.

Here we have listed Top 5 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Canada, where you can donate your Zakat amount to fulfill both your spiritual and social responsibility.

List of Top 5 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Canada

1. Transparent Hands

2. National Zakat Foundation

3. Islamic Relief  Canada 

4. Canada Zakat

5. IDRF (International Development and Relief Foundation)

1. Transparent Hands:

“Transparent Hands” is a trust organization and the online Crowdfunding platform in health sector of Pakistan, which is striving to provide the best surgical treatment to thousands of underprivileged patients. Transparent Hands uses its web portal, to connect billions of donors around the world to help in funding the surgeries of poor patients. It also ensures to provide transparent funding system to the donors. Donors are ensured that each penny they donate, will be spent on the needy patient’s surgery, and this is done through the hospital bills which are uploaded on Transparent Hand’s web portal.

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2. National Zakat Foundation :

“National Zakat Foundation” is a Canadian zakat foundation.

Mission :

Our mission is to provide the muslim community with an end to end zakat service.

Vision :

To be the Premier zakat institution, establishing a selfless and self sufficient canadian muslim community, where no individual in need is left abandoned.

What Problem Are We Solving :

The Forgotten Pillar :-

People have forgotten about the pillar of Zakat and its virtues in this world and the hereafter. Like Salah, Zakat is also an important pillar which purifies wealth and helps facilitate social cohesion.

Why Do We Care?

Zakat administered properly can bring about massive change.

Imagine how powerful Zakat can be if all Zakat due is paid accurately. Zakat is an extremely powerful social tool that can empower our communities across Canada.

Services for Zakat Payers :

The Zakat Payer is just as important as the Zakat Recipient.

  • Education :

We aim to deliver easily accessible knowledge about Zakat and its core principles.

  • Calculation :

Through our Zakat guides and online calculators, our free Zakat query service is designed to help Muslims calculate their Zakat in a user friendly and timely manner.

  • Collection :

We facilitate safe and secure Zakat payments through our website, bank transfers and mail, guaranteeing that 100% of our Zakat collection will be spent according to Authentic Islamic Teachings.

3. Islamic Relief Canada :

“Islamic Relief  Canada” works with communities to strengthen their resilience to disasters, and we provide vital emergency aid when disasters occur.

We help the poor to access basic services, including education, water and sanitation, as well as healthcare. Our integrated approach to progress is transforming communities worldwide.

We tackle the root causes of poverty, and make sure that the world’s most vulnerable people have real influence in both our programs and advocacy.

Our Mission :

And whoever saves a life, it would be as if he had saved all mankind.

Our Vision :

We are guided by the timeless values and teachings of the Quran and the Prophetic tradition (Sunnah), which recognize that people with wealth have a duty to those who are less fortunate.

4.Canada Zakat :

“Canada Zakat” is a project of DawaNet Canada. DawaNet is a federally registered Canadian not- for-profit organization that is focused on community service, education and bridge building. With an army of dedicated professional volunteers, Canada Zakat ensures that almost 99% of funds raised, go directly to Zakat eligible applicants, with 1% going to overhead costs like advertising, web development maintenance etc.

Goal :                                                                   

Our goal is to ensure excellence and efficiency,be ensuring all your Zakat money get’s to those who need it the most in our local community.


Canada Zakat accepts applications from those deserving of Zakat contribution.

Our Zakat Distribution Committee examines the Zakat applications using criteria and procedures reviewed and approved by local Islamic scholars.

According to the Quran (9:60), there are 8 categories of people (asnaf) who qualify to receive Zakat funds.

5. IDRF (International Development and Relief Foundation):

“IDRF(International Development and Relief Foundation)”is a Canadian registered charitable organization. IDRF provides effective humanitarian aid and sustainable development programs, without discrimination, based on the Islamic principles of human dignity, self-reliance, and social justice.


IDRF seeks to provide the most vulnerable communities with the means to create lives of dignity, equality and sustainability, towards a more just world.

Zakat :

Throughout the year and most particularly during the month of Ramadan, IDRF receives generous donations designated as Zakat. Zakat principally serves as the welfare contribution to poor and deprived people in need. It is obligatory upon the Muslim community not just to collect Zakat but distribute it according to the commandments of the Holy Qur’an.

How do we use Zakat donations?

IDRF is committed to utilize Zakat donations with efficiency, transparency, and accountability, while ensuring compliance with commandments. Funds are used throughout the year on projects which serve families in particularly urgent need.

Where we work :

IDRF’s Zakat projects are numerous, and include work in water provision, food security, income generation, and emergency response around the world. You can read more about our extensive programming in these areas under What We Do.

 Download our  Transparenthands Andriod Application for Online DonationDownload our TransparentHands Andriod Application for Online Donation

The Muslims have been bestowed the responsibility to protect the rights of the poor, needy, and the orphans by giving them Zakat to test their Faith and their ability to give willingly.

If any Muslim wishes to gain the mercy and blessings of Allah the Almighty in his life and in the Hereafter, then giving Zakat is essential.

 “Zakat has only been enforced as a trial for the rich and as a provision for the needy. Were people to carry out the Zakat of their wealth, no Muslim would remain poverty-stricken and needy; he would manage with that which Allah has decreed. Indeed, people are only impoverished, needy, and hungry and unclothed as a result of the sins of the wealthy.”-(Man La Yahdhuruhu al-Faqih, Volume 2, Page 7)

Zakat helps to reform the character of the rich and wealthy because one has to go beyond his love for wealth, to be able to give to the poor from their hard earned money and this sharing requires a lot of strength to do so. Therefore, it pleases Allah when we go against our desire in order to help others in distress, while showing the sincerity of our faith and obedience.

Zakat is not just the third fundamental pillar of Islam, but also a profound concept which has the potential to ease the suffering of millions around the world. It can also promote peace in today’s restless world.

Every Muslim has been asked to give just 2.5% of their wealth as Zakat which is a very negligible amount on the individual level but when this generous act is multiplied by millions of rich Muslims, it has the power to transform the world positively.

Now that we can do so much with our little Zakat contribution every year, we should be generous enough to give charity so that we can build a prosperous and healthy population.


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