List of Top 5 Zakat Accepting Organizations in UK

“Noor is a single mother living with her three children in the UK. She was jobless when her husband abandoned her and disappeared without turning back. Though she managed to get a job;her income was too low to support her household expenses. Soon she got herself stuck into the spiral of debt and stood clueless in the midst of nowhere. List of Top 5 Zakat Accepting Organizations in UK
National Zakat Foundation in the UK gave her immediate food vouchers and provided her access to debt advice. Gradually, she managed to lift herself up and live comfortably without any issue.”
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The above-mentioned case study is just an overview of one incident, reflecting the agony of the needy community in the UK and the intensity of their crisis.
Many charitable organizations are working to uplift the poor community, by implementing their charitable projects and distributing the Zakat funds among them. These organizations help the Zakat recipients to meet their immediate necessities and provide them training for employment.
Giving and distributing Zakat sincerely can shape a good perception of Islam among British Muslims, many of whom think that Islamic mindset and laws are incompatible with the British way of life.
Young Muslims who are born and brought up in the UK are identified as the followers of Islam depending on their family backgrounds but in reality, they are less committed to the values of Islam.
The elders of the family can set an ideal example before their young ones by giving Zakat to fulfill their spiritual and social responsibilities on a regular basis. In this way, the young Muslims will get a relevant understanding of Islam that it is not only a religion but also a way of life, which has secured equal human rights for all.
We can heal the society and can uplift millions of lives by giving Zakat annually. We just need to feel the agony of the aching hearts to do a little good for our community.
Let us donate to these top 5 Zakat Accepting Organizations in the UK today and help to remove the miseries of poor and needy.
List of Top 5 Zakat Accepting Organizations in UK
1. Transparent Hands
2. National Zakat Foundation
3. Muslim Hands
4. Al Mustafa Welfare Trust
5. Islamic Help
1. Transparent Hands:
“Transparent Hands” provides free medical and surgical treatment facility to the deserving patients across Pakistan in private hospitals. It also sets up free medical camps in rural areas of the country in which free consultation, free medicines and free diagnostic tests facility is given to the needy patients and their families. Donors from all over the world can use our online Crowdfunding web portal and donate through 100% secure payment modes. They could select any patient, fund the treatment and receive regular feedback and updates until the patient is recovered completely.
Our User Friendly Online Fundraising Work as Follows:
- Choose the medical project that you want to fund.
- Choose from a number of payment methods as per your convenience.
- Donate for that particular project and get tax exemption.
- Get regular updates of the patient until he/she gets fully recovered.
What makes us unique is; our transparency level that means donors will be ensured that each penny they are giving will be spent on the needy patient. We do this by uploading all the hospital bills and other documents of our patient after his/her surgery is successfully conducted or he/she undergoes complete treatment of the disease. Donor can see that the exact amount hospital has charged against the treatment of that particular patient.
Why Donate to Us?
- You want to save the lives of people by donating for their medical/surgical treatment.
- You want to sponsor a medical camp in remote area of Pakistan which could provide free treatment to hundreds of patients and their families.
- You need complete transparency of where your donation/charity is going.
Donors can completely put their trust in us regarding their donations and charity. There are many people in Pakistan and all over the world who wish to spend their money on non-profit charity organizations but they are unsure about the cause to which they should donate. In order to ensure complete transparency, Transparent Hands uploads all the documents with the patients’ success stories so the donors can see that their money is spent on a right cause.
Download our TransparentHands iPhone Application for Online Donation
2. National Zakat Foundation :
“National Zakat Foundation (NZF)” seeks to revive and uphold the third pillar of Zakat. NZF’s mission is to distribute Zakat transformatively within the United Kingdom.
Our vision is for Islam to flourish in society as a source of prosperity and harmony for all.
Muslims are people who choose to devote themselves to God completely. We believe the strongest foundation for happiness in this life and the next lies in this relationship of devotion (Islam) between the human and Divine. There are five core obligations or pillars: bearing witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad was final messenger of God, prayer, Zakat, fasting and pilgrimage. The overarching purpose of all the core obligations is to enable devotion to God (Islam) to flourish, individually and collectively.
What is Zakat ?
In the Arabic language, Zakat means growth, blessings, purification and development. Zakat requires Muslims to pay 2.5% of their qualifying wealth on an annual basis. It provides an opportunity for the payer to fulfil their duty to God by making a financial commitment. It also provides an opportunity to help the poor.
UK’s Zakat Focused Organisation :
National Zakat Foundation (NZF) collect Zakat payments from UK Muslims and distribute them transformatively within the UK.
We believe your Zakat should be distributed effectively, so your payment provides long-term benefit for Islam and Muslims in the UK.
Since 2011, we’ve distributed £10 million to help over 10,000 people in this country.
We use your Zakat to empower individuals in poverty, as well as to fund leadership development that benefits Islam and UK Muslims.
You Can Trust Us :
We’re committed to ensuring our Zakat distribution is legally sound, purposeful and effective. That’s why we have a Strategy, Policy and Research team that consults a wide range of expert advisers, including scholars, researchers and practitioners.
We’re frequently audited by a leading auditor, and our audits always come back clean.
3. Muslim Hands :
“Muslim Hands” is an international Non-governmental organization, in over forty countries worldwide to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. The organization was established in 1993 in Nottingham, UK.
Our Areas of Work :
We’re dedicated to serving the most vulnerable people across the world, by addressing the root causes of poverty and empowering communities. From addressing short-term needs to tackling long term issues, Muslim Hands works to alleviate poverty through a range of varied and important areas.
Humanitarian focus :
Muslim Hands has three main points of focus:
-> Development work, which tries to lift communities out of poverty with long-term sustainable -solutions based on their needs.
-> Humanitarian work, assisting those immediately affected by conflict and natural disaster.
-> Community welfare and development facilitating and developing local community-based projects in the UK.
Locations :
Muslim Hands works in over 50 of the world’s poorest countries and has offices in London and Nottingham in the UK, with global headquarters in France, Canada and South Africa. Ground-level aid is provided by staff and offices in regions including Malawi, Niger, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Palestine, China and South East Asia.
Giving Your Zakat :
Zakat, meaning to purify, it is the third pillar of Islam.
At Muslim Hands we take the responsibility of handling Zakat extremely seriously. We understand that paying Zakat is not simply an act of charity – it’s an act of worship. With our dedicated Zakat service, your donation will reach those most in need, both quickly and securely.
Our range of online resources will help you calculate and decide how best to spend your Zakat through one of our many Zakat eligible programmes. Our projects include providing communities with clean water, enabling orphans to go to school and feeding families in need.
4. Al Mustafa Welfare Trust :
“Al Mustafa Welfare Trust” has spent over 30 years providing humanitarian aid to the most poorest countries in the world. Our main sector of expertise is in health care where we run medical centres in Pakistan.
Our journey began in November 1983 on a small scale by a group of highly motivated intellectuals, social workers, lawyers, doctors, engineers and business executives, who had the passion for philanthropy. In the last 31 years since our formation, Al-Mustafa Welfare Trust has provided medical care, education assistance, food aid, poverty relief, famine relief and community development in disaster areas, war torn countries and many rural and poverty stricken areas of the world, serving millions of needy and helpless people living in poverty .
Al-Mustafa Welfare Trust started its operations in the UK in 2007. In a short space of time we have built our reputation and gained recognition by donors in UK as a charity that is well structured, trust worthy and fully transparent.
At Al Mustafa Welfare Trust, our charitable team work to supply an extensive variety of necessary services to people in need . From healthcare and education to food, water and emergency relief, our strong network enables us to help those in need across the country.
Zakat :
Last year, we distributed zakat in eleven countries across the world and provided vital funding for nine projects. Through our appeal, we were able to provide much-needed emergency relief to over 80,000 people in need. We sent food packages, warm clothing, shelters and essential hygiene items to vulnerable people in countries such as Kenya, India, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan and Palestine.
During Ramadan, we were able to supply essential food packs to more than 30,000 people. We were also able to provide Sudanese women and young people, with the necessary means to start their own small businesses and begin earning to support themselves.
In Somalia, we have helped almost 150 families to withstand the devastating effects of drought and natural disasters.
Your zakat carries the power to change the lives of people around the world for the better. At Al Mustafa Welfare Trust, our ultimate goal is to transform today’s zakat recipients into tomorrow’s zakat givers.
Giving zakat is obligatory for all applicable Muslims in Islam. However, as nisab values can vary, not all of us will always know how much we are liable to pay. To make the process easier for you, simply enter all of your values into our handy calculator tool and your zakat contribution will be determined for you.
5. Islamic Help :
“Islamic Help” is a UK registered charity and international NGO established in 2003, by a group of young people determined to make a difference to the lives of those afflicted by poverty and suffering.
Since it was established, Islamic Help has maintained its unique grassroots and community-led ethos allowing it to engage with, and engage the services of UK community so as to make a difference to the lives of those in need. It remains dependent on its dedicated and active volunteers who provide the grassroots input into its work.
Zakat, the giving of alms to the poor and needy, is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is obligatory upon every adult Muslim of sound mind and means.
The individual must own a specific amount of wealth or savings (after living costs, expenses etc). This is referred to as Nisaab and is the threshold at which Zakat becomes payable. The amount of Zakat to be paid is 2.5% of Nisaab .
Zakat Calculator :
The simplest and easiest way to fulfil your obligation of Zakat is to use our Zakat calculator to work out how much you have to pay.
It will show the Nisaab figure (using up-to-date information) and automatically work out how much Zakat is due based on the numbers you input into the various categories.Whilst the value of eligible goods and items can vary throughout the year, Zakat is based on the Nisaab at the end of the individual’s full Islamic (lunar) year.
There are two measures to determine Nisaab
-> gold or its cash equivalent.
-> silver or its cash equivalent.
Many scholars recommend using silver as more people paying Zakat means more is available for beneficiaries.
Assets to include in your Zakat calculation are cash (in hand, in bank accounts or money lent to someone), shares, pensions, value of crops, money from property investment and gold and silver.
Personal items (your home, furniture, cars, food, clothing) are not included in Nisaab. Zakat can be paid as a full sum or regular monthly payments.
Use our Zakat calculator to find out how much Zakat you have to pay. The nisaab value is based on the value of silver.
Download our Transparenthands Andriod Application for Online Donation
Offering prayers and giving Zakat have always existed in the Shari’ah of previous prophets and Prophet (SA)’s Ummah is the last to receive this obligatory directive.
Giving Zakat has been made compulsory from the beginning of Islam, and this shouldn’t come as a surprise to us as we already know it. In Surah Al-Ma’arij (70:25), Zakat has been described as “A specified right of the poor” which none of us could deny.
Even the ummah of Hazrat Ibrahim (A) was enforced to pay Zakat, thus, giving alms in Islam was a pre-existing Islamic law which was later reformed by our beloved Prophet (SA), based on the directives of the Almighty Himself.
Muslims are urged to give Zakat because the poor have some right on their wealth too. In this way, the rich can purify their wealth by giving out what the poor or needy deserves. Here are two verses from the Al-Quran which supports this claim:
“Out of their wealth take Sadqah thereby purifying and sanctifying them.” (Surah Al-Taubah 9:103) and, “In their wealth and properties is the right of the poor, the beggar and he who is in deprivation.” (Surah Al-Dhareyat 51:19)
Our wealth will not decrease by giving 2.5% Zakat every year, but this insignificant amount can do wonders for those who are dying every day for the want of money. Let us give Zakat sincerely to empower poor individuals suffering in poverty, and make a significant contribution to our social development.
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