Online Donation Website Where you can Donate for Medical Bills

Online Donation Website Where you can Donate for Medical Bills

There comes a time in the life of every person, when a helping hand from a friend or family, parents or a mentor, fulfill the gaps between despair and hope. Likewise, your donations can make a huge difference in the life of others who are in need of any kind of help. There are many people around us who are dependent on the concerns or generosity of the eligible people.  We must always keep in mind that every human is same and deserves to live like a normal human being like you are. Online Donation Website Where you can Donate for Medical Bills.

Online Donations are the best way to help others who are in need of a temporary hand to make them self-sufficient. Your  online donations can help others for getting a better education, healthy life, food and other daily life stuff to deal with the life matters in a better way.

You can either donate to any person you know personally or you can make a donation via non-profit organizations where the recipients submit an application for the grants. These organizations verify the submitted applications and present it to the donors for further considerations. These organizations take great care to make sure that all the recipients are in need and become self.-Sufficient. 

Online Donation website where you can Donate for medical bills

Transparent Hands

Donate & See the Impact!

When you give through Transparent Hands, your donations will go directly to the needy.  Transparent Hands help you to know your impact and get whole transparency through non-profits. It is a must for everyone to understand that even a small donation makes a huge impact. There are a number of positive impacts of donating to the charities. Some of the most seen benefits are as follow:

Experiencing Pleasure:

Donations help you experience more pleasure and also boost the pleasure giving hormones in your brain. This means that donating money make you feel better. At the same time when you give to others, you are actually giving an opportunity to the recipient to enjoy the pleasure of a stable life. At the same time, it provides the receiver, an opportunity to move forward towards a better life.

Helping Others in Need:

The world is not perfect and there is no perfect time to give or help others. There are always people around us who are in need of your help. With the rising interest rates the economy is also lethargic and even if you are facing some economic instabilities, your small donation will help you feel a peace of mind and also to help the one who is in a condition worse than yours.

Charity and Tax:

There are a number of tax benefits for the donors. If you are donating to registered charity and have followed the rule and regulations, you will get a tax return on the paid amount. However, to earn maximum benefits, you need to know more about tax deductibility on donated amount and keep a check on the process. Donating a cash amount is more beneficial in this regard.

You can Donate for medical bills for following patients

1 – Donate Rayyan Ali for his Close Heart Surgery

Rayyan Ali’s Story

Donate for heart surgery of this little baby and save his life. Rayyan Ali is a 6 months old baby boy who lives in a rural area of Ghotki, Sindh with his parents and 5 siblings. Rayyan is a happy child who likes playing with his siblings. They all live together in a small hut in a village. This family lost their one child due to congenital heart disease and now Rayyan is struggling with the same condition and needs urgent surgical treatment.

2 – Donate Murk Gul for her critical Heart Surgery

Murk Gul’s Story

Donate for heart surgery of 2-year-old baby girl Murk Gul is a patient of heart disease by birth, and her disease was diagnosed when she was only one month old. Her grandfather works as a tenant farmer, and earns 20,000 PKR in each crop season. Whereas her father works as a dispenser in a private hospital, earning just 3,000 PKR a month.

The family makes a total monthly income of 8,000 PKR.  They live together in a two bedroom, joint family house, which is made on their landlords land. The family struggles to pay for basic needs, such as gas, water, and electricity- as well as medical expenses for their only daughter.

Donations not only promote generosity and caring about others in the society but also bring more meaning to your life. If you are donating and spreading words about the cause, you are making foundations of a helping and concerned society and promoting the noble cause in your upcoming generations as well.

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