Bin Qutab Foundation

Bin Qutab Foundation

Bin Qutab Foundation (BQF) was incorporated as not for profit, civil society organization, June 12, 2007, under section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 vide registration number 0061555.

The foundation was set up by Bin Qutub Group to help the less fortunate segment of the society.


We envision establishing ‘easily replicable model healthcare institutions’ to alleviate humankind from its suffering due to lack of quality and affordable health services, especially the underprivileged segment of society residing in rural areas, to restore their dignity with compassion.

Mission Statement:

We aim to restore hopes of the underprivileged rural population in the health sector by providing equitable access to health care services by providing solutions to patients through high quality and highly responsive health care mechanism; a mechanism that is run through community participation, support through philanthropic contributions and through collaboration with the public sector.

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