


The company was incorporated on October 28, 1960 as a Private Limited Company and converted into Public Limited Company on June 22, 1970.

The company has tremendously expanded and modernized its operating equipment over the last decade in order to increase its effectiveness, which has resulted in cost reductions, high profits and quality product. Presently, we are exporting our Cotton Yarn to Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Bangladesh, Portugal, Turkey, USA and South America.

Welcome To Olympia Group of Companies

Olympia spinning is producing premium quality yarn to meet individual customer’s need in the domestic and international market.

Olympia has gained immense trust for delivering superior quality products for exceeding the customer’s expectations

In today’s world, technology up gradation is important for the growth, we are investing in latest machinery and system to get the most benefits out of it through quality and efficiencies,

Our success is driven by our people and their commitment to get the result the right way, by operating responsibly and executing with excellence.


Olympia Mills is operationally organized into two spinning units, each with a distinctive product range and capacity to keep a check on the quality standards. Every cone undergoes inspection before packing to ensure that our buyer gets only the best out of the lot. We produce ring-spun yarns for diverse applications such as denim, flannel, twill, socks, gloves, hosiery, towels for both weaving and knitting industries, and waxed/unwaxed in all kinds of cotton.

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