Pakistan Children Heart Foundation

Pakistan Children Heart Foundation

Mission Statement

“To establish a state of the art medical facility that provides the highest quality of care for children with heart disease, irrespective of their financial means. To act as a model institute, for the training of healthcare professionals, education of the public at large and promote research into the causes and management of congenital heart disease.”

They have the best Peads Cardiologist and Surgeons as part of their Medical Advisory Boards, they help us do the medical evaluation of the patients with CHD. The brief of their profiles are mentioned here; they also help us in performing pre, during and post surgeries support.

The number of children born with heart disease in Pakistan is high. Adequate numbers of trained doctors, quality facilities, infrastructure, and funding are all deficient. They are working on building a Centre of Excellence to train more doctors for more heart surgeries.

They need 1 LAC PAKISTANIS DONATING 1000 RUPEES EVERY MONTH. Let begin this mission.

Centre of Excellence is not only about the surgeries of heart patient but it also includes capacity building and research elements of heart surgeries.

PCHF is spending on deserving children with CHD. Give your Zakat to Pakistan Children Heart Foundation and help those CHD-related patients.

“Zakah expenditures are only for the Poor and for the Needy and for those Employed to collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing Captives [or slaves] and for those in Debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] Traveler – an obligation [imposed] by Allah . And Allah is Knowing and Wise.” (Surah Tauba: 60)


House no 565, Block A, Faisal Town Lahore

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