Poverty and Islam – All that You Need to Know

Poverty and Islam – All that You Need to Know

Poverty & Islam - All that You Need to Know

Poverty is something having a great impact on the life of every single person living in any part of the world.  Today we will look into the subject and develop our understanding of the term “poverty”. Poverty and Islam – All  that You Need to Know.

Definition of Poverty:

Poverty comes with two different concepts, the absolute and the relative poverty. The absolute poverty is associated with the income that is necessary to sustain any minimum standard of life. This poverty line income is used to determine if the person is poor or not. One approach to measuring the poverty is the basic needs approach. This approach looks into the political, social, economic and cultural needs. To meet the minimum standards, it is necessary that all the basic needs of the person be satisfied.

Poverty According to Islam:

The above concepts encompass the concept of poverty in Islam. A person is considered as poor if he/she does not have the required necessities to fulfill his basic needs for a healthy individual and social life.
At the same time, in Islam, poverty is also linked with the concept of Nisab. Nisab is one of the two rudiments for any Muslim to pay his Zakat. The term Nisab is associated with a specific quantity of wealth or good any Muslim before he possesses that or she pays Zakat for it.

Poverty in Islam:

Human needs are the foremost important thing in Islam. Humans are categorized into 5 major groups in Islam; religion, your physical self, the knowledge or intellect, children and the wealth. The fulfillment of these major needs is the basics aim of Islam.

Wealth is the basic need of humans. In Islam, wealth can be interpreted as flow or stock. The needs that identify the foundations for the social life and a good individual are divided into three levels named as; the necessities, the convenience, and the refinements.


Causes of Poverty:

Islam has classified some of the main points that are responsible for causing poverty these points are really important to be noted for any Muslim and are must to be avoided by all:

  • Eating in the state of janabat
  • Disgracing even a small piece of bread
  • Disrespecting your elders
  • Calling parents with their names
  • Performing wudhu in a dirty place, where there is urination or etc.
  • Using foods  without washing the pots
  • Stitching or mending garments while you are wearing it
  • Eating onions on hungry stomach
  • Wiping face with a garment you are wearing
  • Spider is the place where you are living
  • Performing namaz hastily
  • Cursing or abusing your parents
  • Getting up and going to bed late
  • Keeping the pan and pots open
  • Not saying Bismillah before eating or doing anything

These points are very important to keep in mind if you are looking to avoid poverty. The philosophies of Islam have clarified the logical reasons of all these points and necessary is for every single human to have a clear idea of how to avoid making any of these mistakes. Poverty and Islam – All  that You Need to Know

Apart from these basic Islamic teachings, there are many other points explained by Islam that are a cause of poverty as well as the unjustifiable distribution of wealth. We will talk about the issues of distribution of wealth in Islam in coming chapters. To know more from us and to be helping hand to your brother by religion, you can stay in contact with us at Transparent Hands. No matter in what part of the world you are living you can help these needy people by joining hands with us.

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