Restoring Health in Rural Areas of Pakistan – Free medical camps

Restoring Health in Rural Areas of Pakistan – Free medical camps

Restoring Health in Rural Areas of Pakistan - Free medical camps

“In my opinion, our health care system has failed when a doctor fails to treat an illness that is treatable.” 
                                                                                                                      ― Kevin Alan Lee,

Medical Camps are solely dedicated and organized to serve the poor and the underprivileged section of the society by providing them the basic healthcare. These camps provide people the healthcare which under every circumstance is their human rights that they must get irrespective of their social standard or financial status. Medical camps help the poor to become an equal partner in the progress of the nation. These camps allow the poor to move towards a world free from diseases, sickness, ignorance, deprivation and exploitation.

The medical camps are carried out at different locations to reach more people in the country. Often medical camps work to raise awareness amongst the people about nutrition and hygiene. Besides treating diseases other important topics covered by these camps include: balanced diets, significance of including vitamins, minerals, protein etc, the importance of dental hygiene, the importance of sanitation, basic sanitation techniques such as correct hand washing and the use of tissues when ill, and environmental cleanliness.

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The medical camps are staffed by healthcare providers like physicians, nurses, pharmacists, phlebotomist, supervisors, patient registration persons, and volunteers. Free medicines as prescribed by doctors are  distributed amongst the people. Free sugar and blood tests facility are also given to the needy patients without cost. Often these camps provide X-ray & Medical Laboratory Tests to economically challenged people at free of cost. Thus, people get relief  from paying heavy hospital bills.

Medical camps provide facilities to those who can’t even afford a daily two times meal for their families. These are also the people who can afford new clothes or at least clothes that are good enough to dress them with self-respect. It is often even impossible for villagers to pay for the journey to see a doctor or visit a hospital.

 When the most basic needs such as food and clothes cannot be met then getting affordable healthcare becomes a distant dream. Keeping the grim picture in mind medical camps serve children, women and men of all ages who live in poverty. These camps work through a network of local people to ensure that people who need medical care the most get it without paying a cost for it.

The medical camps are attended by large number of qualified doctors as well as medical students who attend to the needs of the villagers free of charge. Medicines are given free of cost on doctors’ prescription. Often NGOs or medical Trusts sponsor further treatment of these patients in various hospitals. Throughout these camps, thousands of patients are provided free medical and dental attention, treatment and advice.

Now these camps are seen to get excellent response from the villagers. Many people walk over miles to attend these camps. Doctors, medical students and young volunteers set up medical camps who conduct these camps to give back to the less fortunate and in turn develop empathy and compassion for humanity.

Medical camps are helping to restore the health in rural areas with the mission to serve the poor and deprived sections of the society. These  camps are aiming to reach the grassroots with distinct preference for the unfortunate people enabling them to attain better healthcare services that a common citizen deserves.

Free medical camps are bringing positive change to the communities and helping to restore health in villages. Access to healthcare is a basic human right. These camps are filling the void in the country’s healthcare system ensuring equal healthcare and treatment for all.

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