Top 5 Charity Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan from Australia

Top 5 Charity Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan from Australia

The greatest gift that one can have is good health. Having good health refers to the absence of diseases, physical fitness, and mental peace. At the same time being healthy is also about the social well being of an individual irrespective of his/her  religion, race, caste, creed, social standards and financial ability. Top 5 Charity Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in Need in Pakistan from Australia  

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According to the AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare), recent improvements in the Australian healthcare system had significant and positive impacts, on the health of Australian citizens making them live longer than before.

Yet half of the Australian population is living with at least one chronic health condition, which is affecting their quality of personal and family life as well as their careers. These chronic conditions are caused by less physical activity, smoking, intake of alcohols, overweight and obesity which directly contribute to major diseases in people.

The medical trust organizations have joined hands with the Australian government, to establish the best healthcare system in the country which will be accessible for everyone at affordable cost.

Basic healthcare can intervene between an individual’s life and death. Medical trust organizations have recognized this essential need, and are making continuous efforts to ensure that primary healthcare reaches everybody in society.

Medical Trust organizations are addressing the health problems and are working to eliminate them by adopting practical, sound and socially acceptable methods. They are even harnessing the power of the internet to gather people all around the world, to support their charitable healthcare projects to pay for the treatment, medicines, and surgeries of the poor patients for free.

Medical Trust organizations ensure that medical assistance is provided to people in need, as per to the international laws that strictly observe healthcare as a human right.

List of Top 5 Charity Organizations Providing Free Medical Care 

To People in Need in Pakistan from Australia

1-Transparent Hands

2-The Leprosy Mission

3-The Fred Hollows Foundation

4-Mind Australia

5-Australian Himalayan Foundation

1 – Transparent Hands:

Committed to Provide Free Surgeries to Those Who Cannot Afford:

“Transparent Hands” is in first position, in our” List of Top 5 Charity Organization Providing Free Medical Care to People in need in Pakistan from Australia”. Transparent Hands is a non-profit organization, which is tackling this major healthcare issue of Pakistan with the help of fundraising through its unique Crowdfunding platform. Transparent Hands conducts the surgeries of deserving patients free of cost at private hospitals, with the help of donations and charity. Donors from all over the world can use our online Crowdfunding web portal if they wish to donate. You can select any patient, fund the surgery and receive regular feedback and updates, until the patient is recovered completely.

Our user friendly online fundraising work as follows:

  • Choose the patient whose surgery you want to fund.
  • Choose from a number of payment methods as per your convenience.
  • Donate to that particular patient and get tax exemption.
  • Get regular updates of that patient until he/she gets fully recovered.

What makes us unique is; our transparency level that means donors will be ensured that each penny we are giving will be spent on the needy patient. We do this by uploading all the hospital bills and other documents of our patient, after his/her surgery is successfully conducted. Donor can see that the exact amount hospital has charged against the surgery of that particular patient.

Why Donate to Us?

  • You want to save the lives of people by donating for their surgical treatment.
  • You need complete transparency of where your donation/charity is going.

Donors can completely put their trust in us regarding their donations and charity. There are many people in Pakistan and all over the world, who wish to spend their money on trust organizations but we are unsure about to whom we should donate. In order to ensure complete transparency, Transparent Hands uploads all the documents with the patient’s success stories so the donors can see that their money is spent on a right cause.

Download our Transparenthands Andriod Application for Online DonationDownload-our-TransparentHands-Andriod-Application-for-Online-Donation2-The Leprosy Mission:

“The Leprosy Mission” is in second position, in our List of Top 5 Charity Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in need in Australia. The Leprosy Mission is international Christian charity ,working towards the eradication of the causes and consequences of leprosy. It is active in over 50 countries around the world.

The Leprosy Mission is a member of ILEP (International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations) and Global Connections, a network of mission and development agencies.


In December 1869, Wellesley Bailey, a young Irishman who was working as a teacher, came across a row of huts, inhabited by men and women with serious disabilities and physical deformities. A colleague explained that they were suffering from leprosy. Bailey was shocked by what he saw. Afterwards he wrote:’I almost shuddered, yet I was at the same time fascinated, and I felt that if there was ever a Christlike work in the world it was to go amongst these poor sufferers and bring them the consolation of the gospel.

On returning to Ireland in 1874, Wellesley Bailey and his wife Alice began to hold meetings in Dublin, to tell friends about their experiences of people affected by leprosy, and to raise money. And so The Leprosy Mission, or The Mission to Lepers as it was known then, was born.

Where The Leprosy Mission works:

TLM is a global network; the organisation works with governments, communities, local churches, partner health organisations, WHO and other non-governmental organisations.

What The Leprosy Mission does:

  • Hospitals and healthcare
  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Training and education
  • Disability care and prevention
  • Community development and income generation
  • Advocacy

3-The Fred Hollows Foundation:

“The Fred Hollows Foundation” is in third position ,in our List of Top 5 Charity Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in need in Australia.The Fred Hollows Foundation are an international development agency. They work to end avoidable blindness, and to assist Indigenous Australians to exercise their right to good health. They undertake training, advocate, educate, treat patients and rebuild facilities in more than 25 countries around the world.


They highlight that “of the 32.4 million people in the world who are blind,. Eye diseases like cataract, trachoma and diabetic retinopathy lead to permanent blindness.


The Fred Hollows Foundation work across the following areas.

  • Training: They train doctors, nurses and health care workers to recognize, diagnoze, refer and treat eye problems in their communities.
  • Research and technology: They fund research to improve our understanding of how to tackle avoidable blindness, and fund partners to develop technology that helps to end avoidable blindness.
  • Advocacy: They advocate the lobby governments to commit budget to eye health, shift public attitude through education and amend policies and laws.


The Fred Hollows Foundation are a legally registered charity. They are transparent about their finances, the people that run the organization and how they avoid misuse of funds. Notably, they demonstrate their effectiveness by describing their vision and goals, and the strategy they apply to achieving those goals. They show a genuine interest in ensuring the effectiveness of their programs and have commissioned research into understanding impact in some of their program areas.

Based on our analysis, we believe your donation will be used carefully and strategically to achieve their mission. It is for this reason we give a ‘donate with confidence’ recommendation.


“Mind Australia” is in fourth position ,in our List of Top 5 Charity Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to People in need in Australia. Mind Australia are a mental health service provider. They support “people dealing with the day-to-day impacts of mental illness, as well as their families, friends and careers.”


 They want to “help people to gain better mental health, and improve the quality of their lives.”


  • provide services to people seeking support for their mental health.
  • educate people about mental health and recovery.
  • undertake research
  • advocate for change in systems to improve people’s lives.


Mind Australia are a legally registered charity with deductible gift recipient status. They are trustworthy, describing clearly how and by whom they are managed. They are transparent with their finances.  Mind Australia describe their vision and goals, are clear about their strategy and the programs they deliver, and display their results. They demonstrate how evaluation is embedded in their organization.

It is for this reason we give a ‘donate with confidence’ recommendation.    

5- Australian Himalayan Foundation:

What They DO:

“Australian Himalayan Foundation” is in fifth position, in our List of Top 5 Charity Organizations Providing Free Medical Care to people in need in Australia. They are working in partnership with the people of the remote Himalaya, to improve living standards through better education and training. They work with local communities, in a long term, sustainable way.

Where They Work:

The Australian Himalayan Foundation is committed, to improving the quality of life of those living in remote areas of the Himalaya. They are working in partnership with these communities to help the most disadvantaged, meet their needs through integrated improvements in education, health and the environment.

In order to improve the health standards of these communities, they focus their work on these key areas:

  • Nurses for Nepal:

In the remote lower Solukhumbu or Everest region health services are extremely basic. This program equips local health posts that are desperately lacking, in support with both medical supplies and equipment and also trained health workers. Local health care workers are trained in primary, maternal and child health-care and emergency medical care. The project also provides health and hygiene education to local schools

  • Zanskar Primary Health Care:

The Zanskar Valley is one of the most remote regions of the Himalaya, it is cut off from the outside world by snow for six months of the year. During this time, communities rely heavily on the local ‘amchi’ or traditional medical healers for primary health care. Sadly the region has unacceptable rates of infant mortality. They are working with the ‘amchi’ to train them in modern medical practices to complement their traditional approaches, helping to improve maternal health services in the region.

Their Work In Health:

Their health program focuses on strengthening primary health care with a focus on maternal and child health, mixing modern and traditional approaches. This ensures these communities have readily available health care and that women can give birth safely and with the appropriate support.

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Although the Australian health care system has improved on various health indicators, challenges still exist. Health related issues vary among the Australian native and nonnative citizens.

The native Australians were found to live a shorter life while the most nonnative Australians had complained about poor health. Surprisingly native Australians have faced many difficulties, in accessing basic health care facilities compared to the nonnative Australians.

Again every individual’s health and well-being depends on their working and living conditions. Research has shown that the higher a person’s socioeconomic position, the better their health. Financial crisis and poverty can take an immense toll on one’s mental health, and can deteriorate their physical health immensely.

About 27 million Australians live in rural and remote areas where they are facing difficulties in accessing healthcare, mainly because all developed medical infrastructures and qualified doctors are based in urban areas. In one way or other these people are isolated from the urban civilization; as a result, rural people complain about having poorer health compared to the population living in cities and towns.

Medical Trust organizations are working in the health industry, to ensure that people get the highest level of healthcare all over the country. These organizations have proved their vitality in addressing the health issues of our society, and many of them have delivered satisfactory services to the poor or isolated patients living in both rural and urban areas.

Medical Trust Organizations need to be backed by the public financially, so that the lack of money cannot constrain the implementation of their charitable health projects.

Lack of essential funds can hamper the availability of resources, and can cause barriers to forming collaborative relationships and delivering integrate services to poor patients free of cost.

Good health influences not just how a person feels but also the way they are going to lead their daily lives. Healthy individuals could  build a productive working force and thrive in their respective industries, which would  eventually strengthen our country’s economy. 


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