Top 5 Online Christmas Charity Organizations You Can Donate to

Top 5 Online Christmas Charity Organizations You Can Donate to

Top 5 Online Christmas Charity Organizations You Can Donate To

Online Charity organizations are changing lives through their crowdfunding method. They are raising funds from donors online and helping to save millions of lives every day. These funds are gathered and spent for numerous causes: to provide a safe shelter to the homeless people, to provide free diagnosis, treatment, medicines and surgeries for poor patients, to rescue and protect animals from all kinds of abuse and tortures and what not.

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Often people doubt the credibility of online charity organizations, and undermine their contribution towards human well being and the welfare of the society but Crowdfunding has reshaped the way we would contribute and extend our hands to help people.

Helen Hannah, Commercial Director at First Capital Cash flow, has explained how online charity organizations have encouraged people to get indulged into greater giving, and have the capability to raise more funds compared to traditional fundraising methods. 

Helen Hannah concluded: “We’ve seen from our own research and some of the stats from the likes of the CAF and BRC that people are far more likely to make charitable donations, if they are able to do so digitally.”

First Capital Cash flow had conducted a research which suggested 38% of people are more likely to donate at Christmas, if they were allowed to pay their donations online. This study has shown that 41% of women are more generous during the festive period, and 43% of the younger people aged 18-24 year are concerned about the humanitarian and societal issues, and are willing to give money to charity at Christmas.

It is a good indication that people are warming up their conscience and educating themselves with the love for humanity, and have let this vast compassion to water their inner world which has been lying barren for so long.

Giving to charity during the time of Christmas revives the traditional idea, and belief that holidays are about sharing and caring and showering lots of love not only to our family friends or relatives, but to everyone in our neighborhood. Christmas encourages us to give to people who have nothing. It is always a noble deed to find a gift for a person who is in need instead of giving to a person who has everything.

List of Top 5 Online Christmas Charity Organizations 

1 – Transparent Hands

2 – Lutheran services in America

3 – Samaritan’s Purse

4 – MAP International

5 – Step Up for Students


1 – Transparent Hands:

Fund the Surgeries of Poor Patients by Giving Donation/Charity:

Transparent Hands Foundation is in first position in our list. We are blessed with good health and wealth, and it’s our duty to further utilize them for the service of mankind. Even a small amount can create a lasting impact on someone’s miserable life. Spend your wealth in a noble cause and change the lives of deserving people. The amount which you’ll contribute towards the surgeries of these poor patients, will bring them back to better health and improve their living.

With the help of Crowdfunding by kind donors like you, many people under Transparent Hands were given medical relief. But there are still thousands of people who are in dire need of your support, and are waiting for a miracle which could save their lives. Together through fundraising, we can give new lives and hopes to many deserving patients in our country. Let’s unite and make effort in making Pakistan an ideal place to live.

Why Donate to Transparent Hands?

  • You want to save the lives of people by donating for their surgical treatment.
  • You need complete transparency of where your donation/charity is going.

Donors can completely put their trust in us regarding their donations and charity. There are many people all over the world, who wish to spend their money on non- profit charity organizations but they are unsure about to whom they should donate. In order to ensure complete transparency, Transparent Hands uploads all the documents with the patients’ success stories so the donors can see that their money is spent on a right cause.

A large number of patients, who came to Transparent Hands in hope for relief, consisted of children suffering from congenital heart defects. Children from 2 months up to 15 years old were treated in past. These little souls had hole in their heart which needed to be repaired, otherwise it would have resulted in further deterioration of health.

 Transparent Hands made sure to provide the best surgical treatment to them free of cost. Not only this, we also paid for all the postoperative expenses of patients. The mission of Transparent Hands is to give medical relief to many more children, elderly and old people with the help of fundraising. Here at Transparent Hands, all the patients are treated with proper care and love. They are not discriminated at any stage of their treatment.

Download our TransparentHands iPhone Application for Online Donation


2 – Lutheran services in America:

Lutheran services in America is in second position in our list. Lutheran Services in America (LSA) is one of the largest health care and human services networks in the country, representing 300 Lutheran nonprofit organizations throughout the United States and the Caribbean. LSA works to connect and empower their member organizations, which serve six million people annually, touching the lives of one in every 50 people in the U.S. every year.

What They Do:

Guided by God’s call to love and serve their neighbors, LSA serves its members through leadership development, innovative problem solving, collaboration and sharing of best practices, expanding faith-based connections, partnership and funding opportunities and proactive advocacy. LSA envisions a network of connected, strong and thriving Lutheran Social Ministries that transform the lives of people and communities. They are committed to the power of faith, fellowship and collaboration, and honor all with dignity and respect, recognizing the diversity of people, communities and ideas.

Bringing people, resources and expertise together to help their members innovate, transform and thrive and leveraging their national network to provide funding, service and partnership opportunities for their member organizations.

Acting as a recognized and visible network and voice for Lutheran Social Ministry to create opportunities and advocating on behalf of their network.

Fostering, strengthening and expanding faith-based connections to remain a strong trusted community of faith.

They Serve All: Together, they answer the call by providing a wide variety of care and services to people in need regardless of age, race, culture or religious affiliation. All across America, in rural and urban areas, LSA members are on the front lines. Their network has vast reach and tremendous diversity: they impact vulnerable and low-income people in every state: children, youth and families; seniors; people living with disabilities; the homeless; veterans; refugees; and others.

Their members provide a full continuum of care with an impressive array of services that span the spectrum from prenatal care to senior care, and every age and stage in between, in their missions to strengthen individuals, families and communities by transforming lives and communities and providing a path to a brighter future.

3 – Samaritan’s Purse:

Samaritan’s Purse is in third position in our list. The story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) gives a clear picture of God’s desire for us to help those in desperate need wherever they find them. After describing how the Samaritan rescued a hurting man whom others had passed by, Jesus told His hearers, “Go and do likewise.” For over 40 years, Samaritan’s Purse has done their utmost to follow Christ’s command by going to the aid of the world’s poor, sick, and suffering. They are an effective means of reaching hurting people in countries around the world with food, medicine, and other assistance in the Name of Jesus Christ. This, in turn, earns us a hearing for the Gospel, the Good News of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

As their teams work in crisis areas of the world, people often ask, “Why did you come?” The answer is always the same: “They have come to help you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Their ministry is all about Jesus—first, last, and always. As the Apostle Paul said, “For they do not preach themselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and themselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake” (2 Corinthians 4:5, NIV).

Mission Statement:

Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

4 – MAP International:

Who They Are:

MAP International is in fourth position in our list. MAP International is a Christian organization, providing life-changing medicines and health supplies to people in need. MAP serves all people, regardless of religion, gender, race, nationality, or ethnic background.

Their Start:

In 1954,  J. Raymond Knighton answered a call in his tiny office at the Christian Medical Society in Chicago. Ray had a reputation for knowing “every medical missionary in the world,” so when a major pharmaceutical company wanted to donate $25,000 in surplus medicines, they knew just who to call.

Ray and his secretary spent three months distributing 11 tons of medicines where they were needed most.  So began the Medical Assistance Programs (MAP) – a faith based nonprofit providing essential medicines for mission clinics and hospitals in developing countries around the world.

Their Mission:

MAP International is a Christian organization providing life-changing medicines and health supplies to people in need. MAP serves all people, regardless of religion, gender, race, nationality or ethnic background.

They provide medicines and health supplies to those in need around the world so they might experience life to the fullest. In times of disaster, MAP International provides immediate humanitarian assistance and relief aid including medicines and health supplies to people left homeless and without access to basic services. From the earliest days of a response, MAP focuses on helping communities restore critical services and work with partners to help them rebuild health systems.

MAP International has provided more than $6 billion in medicines and health supplies to communities in need since its inception in 1954. MAP is recognized for its stewardship by charity watchdogs, each year achieving the highest ratings from the Better Business Bureau, Charity Navigator, CNBC, ECFA and Forbes magazine.

5 – Step Up for Students:


Step Up for Students is in fifth position in our list. Step Up For Students empowers parents to pursue and engage in the most appropriate learning options for their children, with an emphasis on families who lack the financial resources to access these options. By pursuing this mission, they help public education fulfill the promise of equal opportunity.

Step Up For Students is a state-approved nonprofit scholarship funding organization that helps administer two scholarships for Florida schoolchildren: the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program (FTC) for low-income families and the Gardiner Scholarship (PLSA) for children with certain special needs.

Public education is rooted in the promise of equal educational opportunity, and nowhere is that covenant more relevant than in the lives of children who live near poverty or for students with certain special needs. A quality education should not be determined by financial means nor disability. Through the scholarships, they empower parents to give their children a chance at a brighter future.

The FTC scholarship program was created to benefit children whose educational options are limited by household income. The scholarships are not tied to the performance of public schools nor the students who receive them. The program is different primarily because it directly targets students with the fewest options available. The latest state-commissioned research determined that students who receive the FTC scholarship are among the lowest-performing in the public schools they leave behind. This means the FTC scholarship is serving the most disadvantaged children in Florida. Our scholarships provide parents a way to help their children find success.

The Gardiner Scholarship (PLSA) helps parents individualize the educational plans for their children with certain special needs.

These scholarships are offered as options in the same way that public education is offering an expanding array of choices. One common mistake people make about these scholarships is to view them as an indictment of public schools. However, they are intended to strengthen public education by offering options to struggling schoolchildren. They consider ourselves to be partners with public schools, and often use the tagline – “helping public education fulfill the promise of equal opportunity” – that represents a genuine expression of how they view their role in the larger education system.

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Giving to a charity does not require a heavy wallet either free time, but requires a kind and warm heart. Kindness in giving can create profoundness and love.

 There are many children brought up in the orphanages since their birth who had never been with a family. They hardly know what love, care and nurture actually mean.

You can take this generous step to donate to orphanages so that they can have their fundamental needs fulfilled. You may even buy gifts like storybooks, toys, candies or clothes for the children in the orphanage, and distribute them with your own hands if the authorities allow you to do so.

Your donation to a food bank this Christmas, can help the organization to distribute three to five days emergency food supplies to the poor to relieve their pain of hunger. This emergency food supplies can give nourishment and can save thousands of people from collapsing due to bad health.

Your donations to charitable organizations can enable them to distribute some additional treats among the vulnerable population, so that they too can enjoy this festive season. This can be a way of reminding them that they aren’t isolated or forgotten.

There are many women and children who had fled from homes to escape domestic violence or abuse and in most cases, they do not have a place to go. These people often seek refuge in safe homes run by nonprofit organizations.

Your donation to a nonprofit organization working to preserve women and children’s rights, can enable them to distribute Christmas gifts and presents among them. This is a way of assuring them that they aren’t vulnerable or helpless.

You can think of many social causes that require our immediate attention and find out numerous ways to deal with them. It is not possible to help out millions of people in need and relieve their pain overnight, but it is always possible for everyone to help somebody in their neighborhood or locality.








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