Top 6 Charity Organizations Online in Pakistan

Top 6 Charity Organizations Online in Pakistan

Top 6 Charity Organizations Online in Pakistan

Doesn’t matter what people around the globe have an overall impression of Pakistan and the Pakistani people; the fact is that the Pakistan stands in the top most social, charitable and hospitable nations of the world. This quality is something we got from our ancestors and will keep moving.

Another major impact of this charitable nature is from our religion. Being a Muslim we are taught to keep helping people in any way possible. This is the reason why we are giving the religious obligation of sharing the wealth with the needy, poor or under privileged people of the society. This activity is known as Zakat and is one of the five basic pillars of Islam. However here important for us as a Muslim is to note that there is a difference between zakat and donations.

Difference between Zakat & Donation

There is a clear difference between zakat and charity and is necessary to understand the both, specifically if you are looking for fulfilling your duty as a Muslim and as a member of the community.

In nature, zakat is termed as a religious duty while that of charity is a commendable and voluntary activity. The beneficiaries or recipient of zakat include a specific set of people that excludes the family members while charity can be given to any member of the society that can include the family members.

In zakat, you can only pay cash while charity can be done in any shape of your wealth that can include payments, household stuff, medicine or other tangible things that can be used in daily life. The payment requirements of zakat include the attainment of the minimum amount of nasab or wealth and in the given time period each year while charity is not bound by any such requirements or conditions. It also does not include any upper or lower limit; you can donate any time of the year and any amount possible for you, big or small. 

Top 6 Charity Organizations Online in Pakistan

1 – Transparent Hands:
2 – Save the Children:
3 – PCHF:
4 – Edhi Foundation:
5 – Site Foundation:
6 – Aga Khan Foundation:


Transparent Hands is in first position in our Top 6 Charity Organizations Online in Pakistan. Transparent Hands Charity Trust is a charity organization and the first online Crowdfunding platform in the health sector of Pakistan, which is striving to provide the best surgical treatment to thousands of underprivileged patients. Transparent Hands Charity Trust uses its web portal to connect billions of donors around the world to help in funding the surgeries of these patients. It also ensures to provide transparent funding system to the donors. Donors are ensured that each penny they donate will be spent on the needy patient’s surgery and this is done through the hospital bills which are uploaded on Transparent Hand’s web portal. They can donate any amount they like and receive regular updates until the patient to whom they donated, receives complete medical relief.

Transparent Hands Charity Trust has a vision to expand its healthcare services all over Pakistan & then move towards education sector.

Fund the Surgeries of Poor Patients by Giving Donation/Charity

We are blessed with good health and wealth and it’s our duty to further utilize them for the service of mankind. Even a small amount can create a lasting impact on someone’s miserable life. Spend your wealth in a noble cause and change the lives of deserving people of Pakistan. The amount which you’ll contribute towards the surgeries of these poor patients will bring them back to better health and improve their living.

With the help of Crowdfunding by kind donors like you, many people under Transparent Hands were given medical relief. But there are still thousands of people who are in dire need of your support and are waiting for a miracle which could save their lives. Together through fundraising, we can give new lives and hopes to many deserving patients in our country. Let’s unite and make effort in making Pakistan an ideal place to live.

2 – Save the Children

Save the Children is in second position in our Top 6 Charity Organizations Online in Pakistan. The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children’s rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. It was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 in order to improve the lives of children through better education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, as well as providing emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts.

In addition to the UK organization, there are 29 other national Save the Children organizations who are members of the Save the Children Alliance, a global network of nonprofit organizations supporting local partners and Save the Children International in over 120 countries around the world.

Save the Children in Pakistan has been working for over 30 years, assisting children and families in the aftermath of emergencies, such as the conflict that forced more than 2 million people leave their homes in 2009 and the devastating floods in 2010 that destroyed more than 1 million homes.

3 – PCHF (Pakistan Children’s Heart Foundation)

PCHF is in third position in our Top 6 Charity Organizations Online in Pakistan. PCHF is on second position in our top 20 non government organizations list in Pakistan. “To establish a state of the art medical facility that provides the highest quality of care for children with heart disease, irrespective of their financial means. To act as a model institute, for the training of healthcare professionals, education of the public at large and promote research into the causes and management of congenital heart disease.”

They have the best Peads Cardiologist and Surgeons as part of their Medical Advisory Boards, they help us do the medical evaluation of the patients with CHD. The brief of their profiles are mentioned here; they also help us in performing pre, during and post surgeries support.

The number of children born with heart disease in Pakistan is high. Adequate numbers of trained doctors, quality facilities, infrastructure, and funding are all deficient. They are working on building a Centre of Excellence to train more doctors for more heart surgeries.

They need 1 LAC PAKISTANIS DONATING 1000 RUPEES EVERY MONTH. Let begin this mission.

Centre of Excellence is not only about the surgeries of heart patient but it also includes capacity building and research elements of heart surgeries.

PCHF is spending on deserving children with CHD. Give your Zakat to PCHF and help those CHD-related patients.

“Zakah expenditures are only for the Poor and for the Needy and for those Employed to collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing Captives [or slaves] and for those in Debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] Traveler – an obligation [imposed] by Allah . And Allah is Knowing and Wise.” (Surah Tauba: 60)

4 – Edhi Foundation

Edhi Foundation is in fourth position in our Top 6 Charity Organizations Online in Pakistan. The Edhi Foundation holds the pride of being the largest ambulance service in the world. Founded by Abdul Sattar Edhi the foundation is no doubt the biggest name of Pakistani NGO’s.  It offers a wide range of services to the needy, poor and homeless people. The offered services includes; food, shelter and health.

Edhi Foundation is the biggest name in Pakistan’s charity organization in Pakistan. It is one of the best social welfare service providers across the world running on non-commercial, non-political and non-communal basis.

It is serving round-the-clock without any discrimination of color, class, and creed and is enjoying exclusive credentials in the shape of awards and shields conferred upon Mr. Abdul Sattar Edhi (late) and Mrs. Bilquis Edhi by governmental and non-governmental organizations on national and international level for rendering their exemplary services to humanity in multidimensional fields. Edhi has the largest ambulance fleet in the world.

5 – Site Foundation (Society for Incentive Travel Excellence)

Champion Incentive Travel Research and Education

Site Foundation is in fifth position in our Top 6 Charity Organizations Online in Pakistan. Site foundation is on third position in our top 20 non government organizations list in Pakistan. Site Foundation working as a Non Government Organization. The SITE Foundation’s mission is simple: To enhance the awareness and effectiveness of motivational experiences and incentive travel, thereby expanding their use around the world. In order to achieve this goal, the SITE Foundation—a not-for-profit organization—facilitates critical research, trend analysis, and educational programs that elevate the skills of incentive travel professionals and connects them with leading practices.

These efforts are stewarded by the Board of Trustees. Additionally, the SITE foundation develops multiple fundraising initiatives resulting in donations from individuals, corporations, and industry organizations in order to fund these valuable initiatives.

    SITE Foundation Grants

SITE Foundation Grants provide funding to organizations that support our mission of advancing the incentive travel industry.

    Incentive Federation Research Incentive Marketplace Estimate Research Study

A study of a cross-section of US businesses confirms that award points, gift cards, incentive travel, and merchandise are commonly used tools for firms seeking to reward and recognize their employees, sales teams, channel partners, and customers.

Key findings from the study include: 84% of U.S. businesses use non-cash rewards to recognize and reward key audiences in the form of award points, gift cards, incentive travel, and merchandise – up from 74% in 2013. In 2015, U.S. businesses spent $90 billion on these types of non-cash rewards, up from $77 billion in 2013.

6 – Aga Khan Foundation

Aga Khan Foundation is in sixth position in our Top 6 Charity Organizations Online in Pakistan. AKDN’s activities in Pakistan include large-scale rural development; health, education and civil society programmes; microfinance services; major national and international institutions in banking and insurance; the provision of tertiary medical and in-service nursing education at the Aga Khan University in Karachi; services and innovations aimed at improving the built environment, particularly housing design and construction, village planning, natural hazard mitigation, and clean water supply and sanitation; and the restoration of historic forts and landmark buildings in Gilgit-Baltistan and of Mughal era monuments in Lahore.

Aga Khan Foundation is an NGO that works to improve the quality of life for villagers. The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), alongside its sister AKDN agencies, has implemented innovative, community-driven solutions to development challenges for more than 45 years.

It focuses on a small number of specific development problems by forming intellectual and financial partnerships with organizations sharing its objectives. With a small staff, a host of cooperating agencies and thousands of volunteers, the Foundation reaches out to vulnerable populations, irrespective of their race, religion, ethnicity or gender.

The Conclusion:

By the end of understanding these basic differences between the two, it is now must for every Muslim to pay the zakat as per given amount, if eligible. While when it comes to being a part of the charity activity it is better to look at your pocket and even if you can donate a small amount of 1$ you must not hesitate to help any person in any part of the time. Remember even a small donation from you will lead to saving or at least changing the meaning of life for any other person.

Every moment there are thousands of needy of our help thus we must not hesitate to help people, apart from the zakat we are liable to pay each year. We must take part in the charity activities and help people in any way possible. This will end up giving us an ultimate satisfaction and pleasures as well as providing opportunities to others to live a better life as we all are living.

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