What is AmazonSmile Foundation and how it can help the charities

What is AmazonSmile Foundation and how it can help the charities

what is AmazonSmile Foundation and how it can help the charities

Those who are fond of making a donation and helping others, AmazonSmile is surely the best solution for them as you can shop and donate at the same time. what is AmazonSmile Foundation and how it can help the charities.

This means that you can get and give back at the same time. Important here to know is what is AmazonSmile and how it can help the charities, of your choice.  The rule is simple, you will shop and Amazon will give. Some important facts about this phenomenon are;

  • AmazonSmile has committed to donate 0.5% of your purchases if you shop from AmazonSmile- smile.amazom.com, rather than the simple Amazon.com
  • They will make charity to the organization that is selected by you
  • Shopping from Amazon smile is same as shopping from Amazon. You will get same products, services and price.
  • You can start supporting your favourite charitable organization by shopping from www.smile.amazon.com

The Article You Must Read

-> What Charity Should I Donate To?

-> Reasons Why People Don’t Donate To Charity

How AmazonSmile Helps Charities

What is AmazonSmile?

AmazonSmile is basically a simple yet automated way to help your charitable organization and this will be done every single time you will shop at AmazonSmile. Here something amazing is that you don’t need to pay any additional cost for it. While shopping from Amazon smile, you will find the same low prices as that of amazon and the same high quality of every single product. Anything that you can buy on amazon.com will be available on AmazonSmile but here it will come with some extra bonus. This bonus is that with AmazonSmile, you can donate to your favourite charity organization. Also, you will have the option of choosing from millions of registered and authentic organizations.

How to Make a Purchase at AmazonSmile?

To make a purchase at Amazon smile, you will need to login to www.Smile.amazon.com and start by choosing your favourite organization to whom you want to donate. Once done, you can proceed with the conventional Amazon shopping procedure and make your order finalized. The moment you are done with placing your order, 0.5% of your net bill will be donated to the charity organization selected by you.

Every time you will visit the AmazonSmile, the fixed percentage will be delivered to the charity you have selected in the first place. The purchasing process is simple and is same as that of amazon.com.

Product Eligible for Charity:

A sum of 10 million products on Amazon is eligible for charity donations.  You can clearly see those products marked with “Eligible for AmazonSmile Donation”. If any product is not eligible for donation, you will be notified while shopping.

Some Facts:

There are some other facts and important things that customers want to know while making a purchase with amazonsmile. Answers to them are;

  • You can use the same account of amazon.com to log in to AmazonSmile. Your wish list, shopping cart and other personal details will also remain the same.
  • You will need to select a charitable organization on your first visit to AmazonSmile. For rest of the time, the amount will automatically be transferred to the same organization.
  • You can change the organization for your donation, anytime you want to.
  • You can choose from 1 million eligible and registered charity organizations.
  • If you do not find the charity you are willing to pay, it means that the particular organization is not eligible. In such a case you will need to find other organizations for your charity donation.
  • If you have a charity organization, you can register it. Details can be found on org.amazon.com.
  • As the donation will be made by Amazon foundation, so you are tax deductible for the amount donated.

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