List of Top 5 Zakat Accepting Organizations in UK

List of Top 5 Zakat Accepting Organizations in UK

List of Top 5 Zakat Accepting Organizations in UK

Noor is a single mother living with her three children in the UK. She was jobless when her husband  abandoned her and disappeared without turning back. Though she managed to get a job;her income was too low to support her household expenses.

List of Top 3 Zakat Accepting Organizations in UK

List of Top 3 Zakat Accepting Organizations in UK

Islam is a religion that has urged the Muslims to give compulsory alms, in order to seek the mercy of Allah and to uplift humanity. Every Individual in Islam has to seek completeness individually on his own, and without giving Zakat one cannot wish to be called a complete and righteous Muslim.

List of Top 10 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Australia

List of Top 10 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Australia

True narratives can teach humans a lot about life, about us and about the state of others. Thus, many beautiful and thought-provoking incidents have been narrated in the Hadith, to teach humans about the spiritual significance of having deep faith in the Almighty, offering daily prayers and giving charities.

List of Top 7 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Australia

List of Top 7 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Australia

“True piety is this: to believe in God, and the Last Day, the Angels, the Book, and the Prophets, to give off one’s substance, however, cherished, to kinsmen, and orphans, the needy, the traveler, beggars, and to ransom the slave, to perform the prayer, to pay the Zakat.” -Surah Baqarah, Ayah 177 (Qur’an 2:177).

List of Top 5 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Australia

List of Top 5 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Australia

Islam is a religion of peace, thus, it has emphasized the Muslims to value human life and its dignity and to uphold justice in every sector of our society. Zakat is a spiritual giving that has been imposed only upon the wealthy Muslims to establish social justice in our world.

List of Top 10 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Canada

List of Top 10 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Canada

Quran has mentioned the psychological, ethical and social importance of giving Zakat on a regular basis. Giving Zakat surely cleanses the bad habits and misery from the society, and encourages the practice of philanthropy and generosity among us.

List of Top 7 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Canada

List of Top 7 Zakat Accepting Organizations in Canada

Islam is a religion that preaches peace, love and compassion. Islam has commanded the Muslims to give Zakat, so that they can express their deep feelings of kindness and generosity through concrete actions, by helping the poor and needy.

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