List of Top 19 Crowdfunding Platforms in USA

The United States of America is a diverse country with several ethnicities and races. With an increase in civilization and population, the country has become vulnerable to poverty. Although it is identified as one of the first world countries, not every American of today’s era is able to satisfy the American dream. While this dream is clearly not being fulfilled by every individual, many people have taken it upon themselves to help one another. List of Top 19 Crowdfunding Platforms in USA
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List of Top 19 Crowdfunding Websites in USA
Crowdfunding platforms are websites that enable a large number of people to fund a person or a project. This basic form of humanitarian work has been helping thousands of people to accomplish their dreams. The best thing about these platforms, is that it does not place burden on a single person and instead many people can contribute their minor share to present a large sum of money. Many people who invest in these platforms hope to receive a valuable profit, which they get, if worked with proper individuals or organisations. Yes, these crowdfunding platforms are maintained either by an individual or an organisation, depending on the base you are interested in investing in. It is to be noted that not all forms of crowdfunding are legal in America. Equity crowdfunding has been legalized recently so that is something that you can invest in.
With the advancements in technology, it has become very easy for people to communicate and discuss important details. It has also made it easier for these platforms to work as they are based off of the internet and are the 21st century fundraisers. Certainly, the internet has reached many milestones and helping people build their career is one of them. Not only can people gain access to money for their project, but they can also promote their business from the very beginning, something that was not possible ever before. In addition to this, interested people can also gain knowledge about the latest businesses and find a worthy one to make purchases from.
There are a number of benefits, that you can enjoy in your work with the crowdfunding platforms. One of the many advantages include, that it is much faster and efficient that the usual traditional fundraisers. This helps save a lot of precious time that you can use in other productive tasks. It also builds a social proof or validation for your idea or business. When many people show interest in your product, you become well known and there becomes a higher chance of you becoming successful. You are also able to gain early as well as loyal advocates. If people start showing interest in your product at an early stage, it is likely that they will support you in the later run as well.
Crowdfunding platforms are a great way for you to expand your horizons and broaden your vision. They will not only motivate you to work towards your goal but will also be able to support you financially. So if you want to test your idea, if you think that you have a special skill or gift that deserves recognition, then you should really try these websites out. Residing in the United States of America has its own perks and trusted crowdfunding platforms are fortunately one of them. Truth be spoken, there are indeed a few websites that are not exactly the most trusted ones. To keep you safe from the hassle, following is a list of the crowdfunding platforms that you can find in the US. These websites are trustworthy and if your idea is really good, they will help you achieve the best.
List of Top 19 Crowdfunding Platforms in USA
1. Transparent Hands
2. Kiva
3. GoFundMe
4. Funding Circle
5. Kickstarter
6. Crowdrise
7. Indiegogo
8. LendingClub
9. Wefunder
11. Seed&Spark
12. Barnraiser
13. Appbackr
14. Crowdfunder
15. Somolend
16. Rockethub
17. Quirky
18. Patreon
19. AngelList
1. Transparent Hands
Free Healthcare Services for those Who Cannot Afford :
“Transparent Hands” is the largest technology platform for crowdfunding in the healthcare sector of Pakistan. It offers a complete range of free healthcare services including medical and surgical treatments, medical camps and tele-health facility, to the underprivileged community of Pakistan.
The platform provides visibility of needy patients and builds a personal and trusted bond between patients and donors while ensuring complete transparency. It also sets up free medical camps in the rural areas of Pakistan in which, free medical consultation, free medicines and free diagnostic tests facility is provided to the deserving patients.
Committed to Provide Free Healthcare Services to People in Need :
Transparent Hands provides, free medical and surgical treatment facility to the deserving patients across Pakistan in private hospitals. It also sets up free medical camps in rural areas of the country. Transparent Hands is also providing healthcare at doorstep through its advanced tele-health service.
Donors from all over the world can use our online Crowdfunding web portal and donate through 100% secure payment modes. They could select any patient, fund the treatment and receive regular feedback and updates until the patient is recovered completely.
Download our TransparentHands iPhone Application for Online Donation
2. Kiva
“Kiva” offers debt crowdfunding to any small business in America. The twist is there is no interest and loans typically don’t exceed $10,000. You’ll have to plan a campaign and work with a Kiva representative to qualify for funding, but it doesn’t check your credit. Instead, it relies on support from your peers to determine your creditworthiness. Since its founding, more than $1.25 billion in loans have been made worldwide.
3. GoFundMe
“GoFundMe” is a donation crowdfunding site where people have raised more than $5 billion. This means there is no equity to give up, no debt to repay, and no rewards to ship. It’s easy to see the appeal already, but to make it even better, GoFundMe doesn’t charge any fees. You’ll only be responsible for the transaction fees when you receive the funds, but getting your campaign noticed is difficult.
4. Funding Circle
“Funding Circle” offers small businesses debt crowdfunding, up to $500,000 with terms of up to five years that has successfully raised more than $8.6 billion. Its rates start at just 4.99%. However, this doesn’t include the fee it charges once the loan is funded of up to 8%. To qualify you will need to have good credit and have recent business growth with good annual revenue.
5. Kickstarter
“Kickstarter” is a site where creative projects raise donation-based funding. These projects can range from new creative products, like an art installation, to a cool watch, to pre-selling a music album. It’s not for businesses, causes, charities, or personal financing needs. Kickstarter is one of the earlier platforms, and has experienced strong growth and many break-out large campaigns in the last few years.
6. Crowdrise
“Crowdrise” is a place for donation-based funding for Causes and Charity. They’ve attracted a community of do-gooders and fund all kinds of inspiring causes and needs.
A unique Points System on Crowdrise,” helps track and reveal how much charitable impact members and organizations are making.
7. Indiegogo
While Kickstarter maintains a tighter focus and curates the creative projects approved on its site, “Indiegogo” approves donation-based fundraising campaigns for most anything — music, hobbyists, personal finance needs, charities and whatever else you could think of (except investment). They have had international growth because of their flexibility, broad approach and their early start in the industry.
8. LendingClub
“LendingClub” has raised more than $20 billion for applicants, and offers small business loans up to $300,000 with terms up to five years through debt crowdfunding. One of the great things about its platform is how quickly you can get access to funds like one week, and the relatively low starting rates of just 5.99% per year.
9. Wefunder
“Wefunder” is the early market leader and it was launched in 2012. The minimum investment size is $100, and Wefunder has created internal Investor Clubs in order that part-time investors in its network can access the wisdom and leadership of more experienced and professional investors and combine their investments with them on equal terms.
You might want to create your own crowdfunding community, to support donation-based fundraising for a specific group or niche in the market. “” is a Venice, CA based company that is a top name “white label” software provider, giving you the tools to get started and grow your own.
11. Seed&Spark
“Seed&Spark” is an industry specific Crowdfunding platform for the tv and film industry and is based in Los Angeles. It was launched in December 2012 and within an overall aim to build an independent film community, it provides filmmakers with a reward-based Crowdfunding facility. They claim a 75% success rate.
Projects must reach a minimum 80% of target to keep the money pledged by backers. Then upon completion of a film, any project that also gathered over 500 backers is automatically eligible for distribution through Seed&Spark and their partners including all major cable and digital platforms such as iTunes, Comcast, Verizon, Netflix, and Hulu.
12. Barnraiser
“Barnraiser” is a platform for artisan food producers, small farmers and exponents of sustainable, healthier living. It encourages its community of over 30,000 like-minded people to crowd-source advice and contacts from each other, and also provides a rewards Crowdfunding facility they claim has a 65% success rate.
It was launched in 2014 and 187 projects have been successful. The largest amount raised was $93,190.
Successful projects are charged a 5% fee based on the amount raised plus payment processing fees of 3-5%.
13. Appbackr
If you want to build the next new mobile app, and are seeking donation-based funding to get things off the ground or growing, then check out “Appbackr” and their niche community for mobile app development.
14. Crowdfunder
“Crowdfunder” is the platform for raising investment (not rewards), and has one of the largest and fastest growing network of investors. It was recently featured on Fox News as the new breed of crowdfunding, due to the story about a $2 Billion exit of a crowdfunded company. After getting rewards-based funding on Kickstarter or Indiegogo, companies are often giving the crowd the opportunity to invest at Crowdfunder to raise more formal Seed & Series A rounds.
15. Somolend
“Somolend” is a site for lending for small businesses in the US, providing debt-based investment funding to qualified businesses, with existing operations and revenue. Somolend has partnered with banks to provide loans, as well as helping small business owners bring their friends and family into the effort.
16. RocketHub
“Rockethub” powers donation-based funding for a wide variety of creative projects.
What’s unique about RocketHub, is their FuelPad and LaunchPad programs that help campaign owners and potential promotion and marketing partners connect and collaborate for the success of a campaign.
17. Quirky
If you’re an inventor, maker, or tinkerer of some kind, then “Quirky” is a place to collaborate and crowdfund, for donation-based funding with a community of other like-minded folks. Their site digs deeper into helping the process of bringing an invention or product to life, allowing community participation in the process.
18. Patreon
Unlike the other platforms, which are all one-time donation sites, “Patreon” is a monthly subscription platform where supporters and donors provide regular monthly contributions, rather than one bulk payment.
Their goal is not to support a particular project, but to provide ongoing support for a creative venture or artist, such as supporting your favorite webcomic, band or musician, or even your favorite podcast.
19. AngelList
If you’re a tech startup with a shiny lead investor already signed on, or looking for for Silicon Valley momentum, then there are angels and institutions finding investments through “AngelList”. For a long while AngelList didn’t say that they did crowdfunding, which makes sense as they have catered to the investment establishment of VCs in tech startups, but now they’re getting into the game. The accredited investors and institutions on AngelList, have been funding a growing number of top tech startup deals.
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Whether you are in search of a good head start or you just want to try something new out, you should definitely look at the above websites and gain some more information about them. Although you have been provided with sufficient information above already, the more you know the better. It will help you develop an insight about the whole scenario and will result in you making better choices for your life and for those dear to you. It will also make you aware of the newly formed businesses and if you like their idea, you can probably find your new favourite brand!
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